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Christmas Colors

When we think of Christmas, we often paint a picture in our minds with strokes of green and red against a canvas of white, with a touch of silver and gold here and there. Why are these colors most commonly associated with Christmas? Who was the first artist to choose these hues from their palette? It was God. It is He who paints the seasons with colors. Over the years, tradition has ascribed special meaning to the colors of Christmas.     Green suggests life—the eternal “ever-green” life we have in Christ. Red recalls the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us. White speaks of the purity of the spotless Lamb. Gold celebrates the divine nature of God’s Son and reminds us that He is the great King. Silver commemorates the price that was paid for His betrayal—and our redemption [ … ]

Eden’s Downfall: Our Salvation

“But let’s not dwell on Adam and Eve. It doesn’t take a magnifying glass to find the same temptation lurking within you and me. You’d think we’d learn from Eden’s folly, but instead we seem more determined than ever to prove we’re the exception to the rule, impervious to the current. We constantly thrust ourselves onto center stage, acting like life is ours to do with as we please—a drama that is all about me and mine.

We’re not the only ones. It’s been that way in every generation.”

Excerpted from I Am Not But I Know I Am by Louie Giglio

Daily Reflection: How can you focus on being the supporting role in God’s plan this Christmas?

Feeling the Holiday Frenzy?

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday frenzy that ensues all around? Take a deep breath and slow your heart, mind, and soul. We invite you to read this excerpt from Joanna Weaver’s devotional, At the Feet of Jesus. May a few minutes spent at the feet of Jesus calm you today.

November 30th – God is within her, she will not fall. Psalm 46:5

Perhaps like me, you’ve tried for years to give a certain issue over to God. A habit, attitude, or addiction. Or an area of fear and doubt. “I’ll be different, Lord,” you’ve promised as you surrendered it to Him. And for a while you are. But just when you think you’ve finally gained victory over that issue, there it is again—back in your hand. Somehow you’ve picked up the habit or situation [ … ]

The New Earth

In Deception, Clarence’s father Obadiah (son of a southern sharecropper) and mother Ruby watch through Heaven’s portals, and converse with their best Friend about what they see and hear:

“Ain’t it strange what these folks think?” Obadiah Abernathy asked.

The Carpenter nodded. “They cling to youth and health with a white-knuckled grip. But they don’t take time to prepare themselves for what awaits them on the other side.”

Obadiah nodded. “The one who spends his life movin’ away from his treasures is goin’ to despair. But the one who spends his life movin’ toward his treasures is goin’ to rejoice!”

 “Looking back,” Ruby said, “I wonder why I was so afraid to grow old. Every day brought me one day closer to being here with You.”

“Elyon’s Word tells us to look forward to a new heaven and a new [ … ]

NEWS: A Christmas Reflection by Dr. Mary Neal

A Christmas Reflection by Dr. Mary Neal, #1 New York Times best-selling author of To Heaven and Back

It is that time of year when there is a chill in the air and the brilliantly yellow, orange and red colored leaves fall gently to the ground. For me, this annual display of God’s handiwork sounds the warning bell of the coming winter. I am reminded that it is time to stack firewood, dig out warm jackets, clean the skis, and prepare for my favorite holiday: Christmas…

To keep reading, click here.


When I [Randy Alcorn] explained the premise of my book Heaven, my friend looked at me, incredulous. I rephrased my explanation using different Scriptures and illustrations and suddenly the light went on. He said, “I’ve never thought this way before. I don’t think many people have.”

Unfortunately, he’s right. Few have thought long and carefully about where they will spend eternity, and those who have given any thought at all to it often have notions that are popular in our culture but lack any biblical basis.

In this excerpt from Deception, Ollie looks to Jake and Clarence for a reason to anticipate Heaven:

“Why would anyone want to go to heaven? When my grandmother spoke about heaven, it was the last place I wanted to go. Who wants to be a ghost anyway? My idea of utopia was a place [ … ]

Mysterious Ways

“She laughed. ‘Exercise? You’ve lost your mind. I haven’t exercised a day in my life!’
‘Oh? What do you call owling?’
‘Owling? That’s the hobby you told me to get!’
‘Yes, but don’t you realize how much walking and climbing you do every day to follow that silly owl all over the place?’
She blinked three times.
‘It’s true, Melb. There are no secret solutions in life, no magic words. It’s just practical stuff, like exercising, that shows results.’
Her mouth fell open. But then her eyes blazed. “Are you telling me I’ve been paying you all that money, and the reason I lost weight was because I’ve been exercising?!’
Dr. Hass shrugged, an amused look accompanying a wry smile.
‘Con men aren’t con men for no reason. People are gullible. I’ve [ … ]

One Step at a Time

It’s all about reaching people, I think, with a rake, with a hammer and nails. We have to touch people, treat them nice, tell them about God, givethem a bridge to cross over the muddy valley. I pull free from the suckingmud to go get more nails. I feel good about this simple action: each nail Idrive brings me one step closer to building that bridge.”

Excerpted from Don’t Let Me Go: What My Daughter Taught Me About the Journey Every Parent Must Make by David. W. Pierce

Daily Reflection: What can you learn by helping someone in your life who is struggling to come closer to God?

In His Image

Just think: of all His magnificent creations—the brilliant sun, moon, and stars; the vast oceans; the fascinating planets; the exotic animals; and more—the one that most resembles God Himself is humankind—you and me. God made us in His image; we are as true a reflection of His character and nature as possible. Search the universe, and nothing will say “God” more than the creation known as man and woman…

We find passion and joy in walking with the One who designed every part of us. He designed our minds, so He knows how to put us at ease. He created our bodies, so He knows how to strengthen us. He formed our hearts, so He knows how to thrill and delight us. He molded our spirits, so He knows our innermost desires; and only He can satisfy those desires.

Excerpted [ … ]

A Seasonal Perspective

The author of Ecclesiastes looked around him at situations where justice and righteousness should be evident, only to observe that “wickedness was there” and “iniquity was there” (verse 16). Maybe he was thinking about courtrooms, government halls, and the marketplace, or maybe he thought primarily of the human heart. Or all the above. Evil was everywhere.

But he did not despair over this; he went on: “I said in my heart, ‘God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time…for every purpose and for every work’ ” (verse 17). Even when injustice and corruption appear unhindered in their pollution, a seasonal perspective enables us to hold on to God’s hope. He will, in His perfect timing, make things right—preparing the way for the triumph of every good purpose and every good work.

The believer in Christ [ … ]