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Feeling the Holiday Frenzy?

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday frenzy that ensues all around? Take a deep breath and slow your heart, mind, and soul. We invite you to read this excerpt from Joanna Weaver’s devotional, At the Feet of Jesus. May a few minutes spent at the feet of Jesus calm you today.

November 30th – God is within her, she will not fall. Psalm 46:5

Perhaps like me, you’ve tried for years to give a certain issue over to God. A habit, attitude, or addiction. Or an area of fear and doubt. “I’ll be different, Lord,” you’ve promised as you surrendered it to Him. And for a while you are. But just when you think you’ve finally gained victory over that issue, there it is again—back in your hand. Somehow you’ve picked up the habit or situation once more, and you wonder if you were ever truly free. Which is exactly what Satan wants you to think… keep reading here.

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