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Stretching You

God knows what He can do through your life if you’re willing to open yourself up to Him. He’ll remove obstacles such as pride, fear, and greed that hinder your spiritual growth. Then He’ll build in qualities such as humility, forgiveness, and faith.

Excerpted from Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby

Daily Reflection: Are you satisfied with your present state of service to God? Or are you open to growth—even when it’s painful?

Doing Less

“Instead of applauding Martha, Jesus gently rebukes her, telling her Mary has chosen ‘what is better.’ Or, as another translation puts it, ‘Mary has chosen the better part’ (NRSV).
‘The better part?’ Martha must have echoed incredulously.
‘The better part!’ I say to God in the midst of my own whirl of activity. ‘You mean there’s more? I have to do more?’
No, no, comes the answer to my tired heart. Jesus’ words in Luke 10 are incredibly freeing to those of us on the performance treadmill of life.
It isn’t ‘more’ he requires of us.
In fact, it may be less.”

Excerpted from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

Daily Reflection: Do you strive to do more for God or simply be by His side?

NEWS: Dr. Mary C. Neal Featured in CNN “To Heaven and Back” Documentary

Dr. Mary C. Neal, author of New York Times #1 Bestseller To Heaven and Back, was featured in CNN’s program on stories of life, death and faith, entitled “To Heaven and Back.” This documentary aired on Sunday, December 1st and will air again this coming Sunday, December 7th at 7 pm and 10 pm EST.

To watch part of her interview where she recounts her near death experience while kayaking in Chile, please click here, or read more at

NEWS: Focus on the Family to Rebroadcast “The Emotionally Destructive Marriage” Author in Best of 2013 Series

 Focus on the Family is re-broadcasting their top radio segments in a Best of 2013 series. We’re proud to announce that FIVE of our authors have made it into the Best of series, including Leslie Vernick!

On February 5th-6th, 2014 Leslie’s original broadcasts will be aired one more time on the Focus on the Family radio daily program. (If you’d like to tune in live, go here to find a local station.)

You can listen to the original broadcasts here:

Finding Freedom From Destructive Relationships – 1

Finding Freedom From Destructive Relationships – 2

Really Knowing Someone

The first day of December every year, my mother posts four folded sheets of lined notebook paper on the refrigerator door, with our names written on top. MOM. DAD. SUSAN. ELEANOR. We’re supposed to list the things we really really want for Christmas so the gift giving will be correct and efficient. I always found that odd. In my view, the point of choosing presents is to get to know the other person so well that you don’t have to be told what she really really wants for Christmas. You just know it. If somebody gives you something you don’t like, like a puce sweater or a Nehru jacket with gold trim…well, that just tells you something, doesn’t it?”

Excerpted from My Mother’s Wish by Jerry Camery-Hoggatt

Daily Reflection: Do you know those around you well enough that you [ … ]

You are no ordinary child

As David prayed in Psalm 139:13, 16,

You created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.…
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

Bottom line? Your life is also a spiritual phenomenon. You are one of God’s crowning achievements. You are the full expression of His creative genius—and no troubled marriage or disastrous employment record or sin-dogged season on your part can possibly change this fact.
God was at His very best when He made you.

Excerpted from How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley

Daily Reflection: When times are tough, how can you remind yourself of God’s love for you as His unique child?

Daily Devotional – A Day of Gratefulness

“Certain dates evoke emotion in each of us. A personal favorite is the fourth Thursday of November, a day of gratefulness. Family members come from all over the Midwest to indulge in the gluttony. They bring dozens of dishes, including pies, cakes, casseroles, and turkey. We laugh and play games until the inevitable comatose nap at 2:30…

God gave us gifts and opportunities to produce so we can leverage our productivity in celebration and gratefulness to Him.
By God’s grace and power, I want to make a profit. I want to save. I want to give to others as He has given to me. I want to invest in others like He invested in me. When we begin to understand these things, our embittered hearts begin to soften.”

Excerpted from Godonomics by Chad Hovind

Daily Reflection: This Thanksgiving, [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Holy Land Key by Ray Bentley

Don’t Just Read Prophecy. Step into Its Fulfillment.

Click here to download chapter one of The Holy Land Key.

The study of prophecy inspires elaborate timelines and speculation about which world leader might rise to power in the last days. But meanwhile, it’s far too easy to miss the significant prophetic signs contained in stories of biblical characters, in God’s creation, and in the lives and actions of today’s Israelis and Palestinians.

Click here to download chapter one of The Holy Land Key.

Grow Your Gratitude

“If you want to grow your faith, grow your gratitude. To grow your gratitude, take time to count your blessings.
When you take time to stop and look around you—to look at the people who invest in you and those from the past who helped build your character and your life—you remember things that you can never take credit for. They were given to you, like Grandma’s prayers that accompanied you on your salvation journey, like the providence of God that led you to meet your spouse, like the miracle birth of your child, circumstances that allowed you to go to college, the friend of a friend who paved the path for your first job. Once you start counting blessings—many of them ones you have never before acknowledged—you will be overwhelmed. Once you start the list, you’ll find it’s [ … ]

He Knows You Personally

“Psalm 139:13–16:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed…

It’s one thing to believe that God loves you as one among many. It’s another thing altogether to trust that God knows what you’re going through, that He cares, and that He has the power and desire to watch over you personally.”

Excerpted from Man [ … ]