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Hearing God in What People Say to You

“Hearing clearly often requires waiting patiently.

Another temptation is to wait for God to write all of the answers on our wall one night while we are asleep. Which often keeps us from listening to things being said by the people God uses to say such things. Which is what really happens most of the time.

As often as not, someone else does the talking when God has some new thing for us to hear. It is one of God’s better tricks, if you ask me. This is true whether people are aware of it or not or are willing to admit it or not. Sometimes people hesitate to give God any credit for being able to work through the ordinary of our lives, through the very sentences we hear and say.”

Excerpted from The Echo Within: Finding [ … ]

NEWS: “For Women Only” Author on Focus on the Family’s “Everyday Relationship!”

For Women Only: Revised and Updated Edition author Shaunti Feldhahn shares insights on understanding men, with hosts Susie Larson and Dr. Greg Smalley, on Focus on the Family’s “Everyday Relationships.”

To discover how women can better love and understand their husbands, click here.

The Distraction Diet

A friend of mine had a baby recently. When I visited the couple’s home, I had to admire their elaborate nursery.

They really did it up right! Big Bird nested in the corner, Snuffleupagus perched on the cribside table, and an assortment of wobbling Weebles, Smurfs, and My Little Ponies encircled the interior of the crib. Not to mention five teddy bears. And a busy box gizmo with umpteen handles, knobs, and twirly things. And two musical mobiles. And who knows how many rattles. This baby was decked out. There was no way this kid was going to get bored or cranky, right?

Well, not exactly. True, the child will be able to amuse himself, what with so many gaudy toys and wild, wonderful distractions. He should find himself positively absorbed at times by the ministrations of the musical mobiles.

[ … ]

Living with unction

Show me, O Lord, my life’s end
and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting is my life.
You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Each man’s life is but a breath. (niv)

I chewed on that. Ever breathed on a window during a cold winter’s day? Did you notice how it fogged up, and then the fog instantly disappeared? That is what the psalmist David is saying the life of man is like. Here for a brief moment, then gone. Why would David ask God to show him the shortness of his life? David knew that when a man grasps how short his life is, he begins to live with a new sense of what’s truly important.

Excerpted from The [ … ]


Joy toddled across the room and stood at the edge of my laptop-centered view. I was in task mode, typing away while sitting in the living-room recliner. With Shirley Temple curls bouncing around her face, my eighteen-month-old daughter looked up at me. I looked at her. Then she handed me a Plastic Donut from her kitchen play set.

I looked at the Donut and back at my daughter. She stood waiting for a response. So I put the Donut up to my mouth and said with great animation, “Yummm, yummm… Thank you, Autumn! This is soooo goood.

Then something beautiful happened. Her big brown eyes widened, and her lips pushed a giant smile against her puffy cheeks. She stood up on her toes, shrugged her shoulders up to her ears, and let out a highpitched squeal…

I didn’t see it [ … ]

Soaking Prayer

Is your mind always whirling with thoughts? Not sure how to be still and lean against His chest? Try soaking! First, set aside a chunk of time. Find a comfortable, peaceful environment, preferably where you can lie down. Pull on your boots and crunch around in the autumn leaves. Crawl under your covers and get cozy. Or perhaps take a literal soak in a bubble bath! Once you’re nice and comfy, hit up your iTunes worship playlist or create one on Pandora and simply let His words wash over you. You might feel something, you might feel nothing. You might smile, you might cry, you might even fall asleep!

Regardless of what happens on the outside, the Spirit will be at work on your heart. There’s no wrong way to soak. Just enjoy being with Him!

Excerpted from Get Lost [ … ]

NEWS: Matt Carter to Discuss Viral Video on Fox & Friends Weekend

Austin Stone Pastor Matt Carter, co-author  with Colt McCoy of The Real Win, appeared on Fox & Friends Weekend on May 18 to discuss his viral video. The 25-second video in which Matt catches a quail in his bare hand while on a hunting trip with McCoy, has over 1.5 million view on YouTube.

The video is available here:

Go here to watch Matt’s interview on Fox & Friends.

The video, posted on May 13, been reposted by MSN, The Huffington Post, and was in the top ten posts on It was also featured on ESPN’s SportsNation, and NBA star, Shaquille O’Neal, Shaq tweeted the link to his 7 million followers.