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SNEAK PEEK: Fearless by Eric Blehm

Fearless takes you deep into SEAL Team SIX, straight to the heart of one of its most legendary operators.

Click here to download the first chapter of Fearless now.

Fearless is the story of a man of extremes, whose courage and determination was fueled by faith, family, and the love of a woman. It’s about a man who waged a war against his own worst impulses and persevered to reach the top tier of the US military. Always the first to volunteer for the most dangerous assignments, Adam’s final act of bravery led to the ultimate sacrifice.
Adam Brown was a devoted man who was an unlikely hero but a true warrior, described by all who knew him as [ … ]

God as Creator

God is an Artist, and as an Artist, God loves to share his creations and point out great moments of beauty.  So God places human beings in the center of the story, in the garden, where God will come and walk. At first God and the man talk about what Adam has learned and how he and Eve are tending the garden. God seems to want Adam to discover things, to find out what is underneath al the layer of the world around him. “Come, let me show you,” we can hear God say to Adam. “Look at this! Did you find this flower or see this animal today? Tell me what you found today!”

Excerpted from The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn

Daily Reflection:

We can get so accustomed to our everyday surroundings that we take [ … ]

DOWNLOAD: Teaching Outline for The Gospel of Yes

pdf_1002In The Gospel of Yes, Mike Glenn reveals God’s most powerful word, which opens our eyes to everything he does. That word is YES. God said “yes” to creating a world for us to live in and “yes” to inviting us into a relationship with him. No matter what we face in life, the best way to live is captured in one word: yes. Now small group leaders, pastors, and church leaders can lead their friends into God’s yes with a 6-part teaching outline. Click here to download it now. Read a sample chapter of The Gospel of Yes here.

God’s Embrace

When I first realized that I was pinned in the waterfall, I did not panic and I did not struggle, but I desperately tried to get out of my boat by using some standard techniques.

I repeatedly and forcefully tried to reach the grab loop of my spray skirt, but the power of the water forcing my arms downstream was too great and my attempts were laughable. I tried to push against the foot braces. I tried to jiggle the boat. I thought about my family and desperately tried to raise my head out of the water in search of air. I quickly realized that I was not in control of my future.

God had saved me more than once in the past so I, once again, reached toward God and asked for His divine intervention. I did not demand [ … ]

Tilted Halos

To be alive is to be broken. And to be broken is to stand in need of grace. Honesty keeps us in touch with our neediness and the truth that we are saved sinners. There is a beautiful transparency to honest disciples who never wear a false face and do not pretend to be anything but who they are.

Excerpted from The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

Daily Reflection:

Are you willing to trade the false face of daily life for transparency and brokenness before God?

What Is Your Hidden Gift?

Many of us shortchange ourselves when it comes to realizing our gifts and talents. We all received something of great value from God, and it is our duty and honor to share our gifts and talents with others. Obvious talents such as athletic, artistic, or musical ability; working with your hands; and leading others are often celebrated. We fail to recognize more subtle talents, such as having joyous spirit, offering the gift of hospitality, or being a great listener. Over the years, I have recognized the gift of encouragement that I have been given. This blessing was not realized right away but was revealed to me over time…we may have to do some soul searching and praying to find out what gifts our Lord has blessed us with.

Excerpted from Strength for the Moment by Lori Hogan

Daily [ … ]

Write it Down

The written word is said to be a powerful source of encouragement, enlightenment, and education. Whether you take the time to pen your prayer requests or you pour out your hurting heart on paper, writing it down will grant you a new perspective. You’ll actually be writing your own history, and through that you will see God’s hand, your growth, and maybe even gain insights into how all the pieces fit together. You’ll also have the chance to empty out the jumble of thoughts in your brain, freeing up your mind to deal with the here and now.

Excerpted from 99 Ways to Fight Worry and Stress by Elsa Kok Colopy

Daily Reflection:

How can you take time today to reflect on God’s hand in your prayers?

Making Room

To make room for the new thing God wants to do inside of you, old things must go. It’s hard for God to bring about something new within us if we’re still crowded inside with old stuff.

When we aren’t seeing more of God’s power, more of God’s breakthroughs, more of God’s presence, more of God’s dynamite, it’s simply because we’re too full of something else for God to fill us.

Excerpted from Dry Bones Dancing by Tony Evans

Daily Reflection:

Have you made room for the new things God wants for you?

Depth, Not Length

God invites each of us to spend time with Him and to get to know Him. But He doesn’t force Himself upon us. His Word promises, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” ( James 4:8). God’s invitation stands: we’re welcome to draw as near to Him as we desire. God sets no limit to how closely we can come to know Him. He doesn’t restrict us to learning doctrines about Him or to voicing formal, rigid prayers to Him. His invitation is open ended. The limit to how close we draw to God lies with us.

Excerpted from Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby

Daily Reflection:

How close do you want to be?


Despite the impact and magnitude of the bin Laden mission, Adam’s story stands on its own. Throughout his life he inspired scores of people, and his story has continued to change the lives of many—including mine. He’s reminded me to appreciate every moment with my family, to be goofy rather than grumpy, to get back up no matter how hard I might get slapped down, to sometimes buy my children a cupcake when I pick up coffee in the morning but to call it a muffin “because,” as Adam would tell Savannah, “as long as you call them muffins, they’re okay to eat for breakfast.” And though I hadn’t opened a Bible in more than twenty-five years, his faith encouraged me to question my own questioning about religion.

Excerpted from Fearless by Eric Blehm

Daily Reflection:

This and more is [ … ]