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VIDEO: Safe House by Joshua Straub Book Trailer

Parenting isn’t rocket science, it’s just brain surgery.

And Dr. Joshua Straub has good news for you: You can do it! You don’t need to do all the “right” things as a parent. Both science and the Bible show us that the most important thing we can provide for our

kids is a place of emotional safety. In other words, the posture from which we parent matters infinitely more than the techniques of parenting. Emotional safety—more than any other factor—is

scientifically linked to raising kids who live, love, and lead well. Learn how to use emotional safety as a foundation from which you parent—and make a cultural impact that could change the world!

SNEAK PEEK – Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach

Sometimes, grace gets messy.

 Click here to download chapter one of  Messy Grace.

Caleb Kaltenbach was raised by LGBT parents, marched in gay pride parades as a youngster, and experienced firsthand the hatred and bitterness of some Christians toward his family.

But then Caleb surprised everyone, including himself, by becoming a Christian…and a pastor.

Very few issues in Christianity are as divisive as the acceptance of the LGBT community in the church. As a pastor and as a person with family members who identified as LGBT, Caleb had to face this issue with courage and grace.

Messy Grace shows us that Jesus’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” doesn’t have an exception clause for a gay “neighbor”—or for that matter, any other “neighbor” we might find it hard to relate to. Jesus was able to [ … ]

“People” Features Nick & Kanae Vujicic

Nick and Kanae Vujicic, authors of Love Without Limits: A Remarkable True Story of Love Conquering All, are featured in the December 15, 2014, issue of People magazine in an article titled “My Beautiful Life.”  Vujicic, who was born without arms or legs, tells People about the challenges of finding romantic love as a person with disabilities and the blessings of meeting Kanae, who his calls “my miracle.”

 The full article can be found on newsstands starting Dec. 8, 2014, or to see an excerpt and video, click here.   

SNEAK PEEK: Kanae Vujicic Talks About “The Spark”

Kanae Vujicic on the First Time She Saw Nick and Feeling “The Spark.”

Click here to download an excerpt from Love Without Limits. 

“There was definitely a spark and a strong attraction from the first moments I locked eyes with Nick… Nick tells everyone that when he was speaking that day back in 2010, he looked out into the crowd, locked eyes with me, and had to force himself to look away.”

Kanae had experienced relationships based on superficial attraction, but she longed to find a mate with strong character and faith—a man who would be a godly husband and father. When Nick and Kanae met in the most amazing way, they realized that God—the ultimate Matchmaker– had used [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Nick Vujicic on Daring to Trust the Heart

Nick Vujicic shares about dating Kanae and how they each felt from his book Love Without Limits.

Click here to download an excerpt from Love Without Limits. 

“Despite my optimism about other parts of life, I decided that love in this world had limits after all. I’d become convinced that no woman would want to marry such an obviously imperfect man as me….”

Later, when Nick realized that God had a purpose for him, his life took on new meaning.  But after a long-term relationship ended in heartache, would he ever find someone to marry? In this excerpt from their new book, Love Without Limits, Nick shares how insecurities can make or break a relationship.

SNEAK PEEK: Magnetic by Lynn Cowell

Do you ever wonder…
What does she have that I haven’t got?
Why doesn’t he ask me out?
What makes her popular? Why not me? 

Click here to download chapter one of Magnetic.

Maybe it’s time to change the questions you’re asking. Maybe it’s time to ask instead: What does it take to become magnetic? Packed with revealing quizzes, interviews with guys, and practical tools, Magnetic empowers you to:
 · Move beyond negative thoughts, capricious emotions, and others’ opinions as you gain unshakeable confidence.
· Limit the draining affect of “girl drama” so you can invest your time in becoming the best you.
· Replace the agonizing frustration of wanting to be noticed and liked with a deep assurance that you already are.

Click here to download chapter one of Magnetic.

[ … ]

NEWS: A Table by the Window Featured on featured Hillary Manton Lodge’s A Table by the Window in the April eNewsletter. Reviewer Evelyn Bence wrote, “When I read Christian fiction, I often feel as if writers are trying too hard — to relay their faith, teach a lesson, show (never tell) an emotion, overblow a plotline, take a literary tack…or maybe it’s that they’re not trying hard enough. So what a pleasant surprise to find this novel that didn’t once make me sigh with irritation.” Go here to read the full review.