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Memorize the Gospel

God instructs us in the Psalms to store up His Word in our hearts. I love that picture. God wants us to tuck His promises into our hearts so that, no matter where we are or what we’re doing, we can pull them out and be strengthened by their truth.

You might not think you’re good at memorizing Scripture. That’s okay. Don’t give up. Work at it. God isn’t keeping score. Even if it takes you longer than someone else, it’s worth the effort.

Excerpted from Living the Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney

Daily Reflection: What holds you back from memorizing Scripture today?

For Couples Only – Free Gift

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For Church Leaders: tools to promote your FREE gift to your church – pick and choose what works for you.

God Moments

Everyone has pivotal experiences of God’s loving activity in their lives. I call them God Moments. You’ve had such moments. You may not have recognized God in the moments, but He’s been there. Think about it.

Have you ever had a narrow escape from a tough situation by some strange protection? It probably was God who rescued you.

Have you ever steered away from trouble and toward something more noble because something inside you quietly craved purity? Only God makes people want to be clean.

Have you ever received a blessing that you know you didn’t earn? God is the giver of all good gifts.

Have you ever made a good decision that took you in a surprisingly good direction just because you “felt led”? That was probably God speaking to you.

Have you ever gone through a hard time [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: God Distorted by John Bishop

God is not a bigger version of your earthly father.

Click here to download chapter one of God Distorted.

When you hear the word “father,” do you think of someone who is loving…or angry? Someone who is pleased with you…or constantly disappointed? Someone who is always available…or someone who is too busy, preoccupied, or distant? When you think of “Father God,” what images come to mind?

Click here to download chapter one of God Distorted.

Starting the New Year with a Fresh Perspective


Starting the New Year with a Fresh Perspective by Mike Glenn

In the story of the prodigal son, Luke uses a curious phrase when the younger son realizes what he has lost and determines to go home. The King James Version translates the phrase, “He came to himself.” That phrase has always fascinated me. How do you come to yourself? Can you set yourself down somewhere and [ … ]

God’s Time

“Although I felt God was present and holding me, I was still entirely conscious of my predicament and my surroundings. I was able to feel the current pushing and pulling my body and feel the pressure of the water. I could not see anything or hear anything but I was acutely aware of everything that was happening around and within me. I was comfortable, calm, and marveled at God’s presence.
As I waited under water, I thought about and analyzed my life; its course, my choices, my joys, and my regrets. I thought about everything. Eventually, I thought about how bored I was. I was tired of thinking and tired of waiting; I was ready to get on with the journey, whatever that was meant to be. With the assurance that all would be okay regardless of [ … ]

Put Your Faith in Action this Year


Putting Your Faith in Action by Nick Vujicic

Having faith, beliefs, and convictions is a great thing, but your life is measured by the actions you take based upon them. You can build a great life around those things you believe and have faith in. I’ve built mine around my belief that I can inspire and bring hope to people facing challenges in their lives. That belief [ … ]

Our Living Faith

“When things don’t go our way, when our happiness is threatened, when God isn’t giving us what we want, when we don’t think our needs are being met, there is a great temptation to take the easy way out, to turn back to our old ways, to yield to our flesh, or to give up in discouragement.

This is the feeling the recipients of the letter to the Hebrews were experiencing. They didn’t understand that the trials they were enduring were part of God’s discipline. And so in the eleventh chapter of his word of exhortation, the author of Hebrews reminded them of their need of faith. He spoke to the fact that things are not over, that the drama of redemption has not yet come to an end. He encouraged them to remember that if they wanted God’s [ … ]

Resolve to Love


Resolve to Love by Kerry and Chris Shook

Right now, there are three relationships in your life that trouble you. Perhaps a good friend said something to you yesterday. It felt critical, but you’re not sure what she meant. The two of you used to be so close, but lately you’ve been drifting apart. Something’s not right. Oh, and your mother called. There’s that. You know you should [ … ]

Have a Greater New Year: Dream Bigger, Start Smaller.


This Year: Dream Bigger, Start Smaller by Steven Furtick

I’ve met a lot of people who knew what it was to burn plows and set out to live for God but didn’t know what to do next. They prayed, they made a commitment—and they got stuck. As a pastor, I’ve seen it over and over again. As a man trying to live for God, I’ve experienced it [ … ]