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God Wastes Nothing

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. –Psalm 34:11

I can imagine some might look at Psalm 34:11 and think, "Oh, yeah? Well, I’m the middle of affliction right now and I haven’t been delivered." Understandable reaction, especially when we’re hurting whether physically or emotionally. But you know what? Deliverance is coming. We don’t know how, we don’t know when–it might happen on earth, it might happen when we are welcomed into Heaven. But God keeps His promises, so you can rest assured…you WILL be delivered. In the meantime, lean into His strength. Use the current hardship as an opportunity to grow in patience or perseverance or grace. God wastes nothing–not even our hardships. And He WILL bring you through.

Original Devotional by Kim Vogel Sawyer, Author of What Once Was [ … ]

Shaping Parents

I used to think raising children was more or less a task of shaping and guiding a future generation. I still do. But I also think God uses children to shape parents. And the trials that come into our family circle aren’t necessarily to make us “better.” They are to “empty us out” so that God can fill us up with more of Himself.

Excerpted from Espresso for Your Spirit by Pam Vredevelt

Daily Reflection: Do you feel that your children have helped shape you to be closer to God?

Inner Health

Maybe you have a favorite old mug. Into it you pour your morning coffee, your afternoon tea, or your bedtime cocoa. It might be stained, dulled by many washings, chipped, or cracked—but it still warms your hand as you enjoy its contents day by day.

That mug is like you. Outwardly we show the chips and cracks of everyday wear and tear, but inwardly we are renewed daily with the outpouring of the Spirit. Just before this promise of renewal, the apostle Paul described us as “jars of clay” (see verse 7), perhaps thinking about Adam being fashioned from the dust of the earth. We are indeed earthen vessels, but don’t focus on the fading exterior. Feel the warmth of what God is pouring into you.

Excerpted from 99 Bible Promises for Tough Times by Randy Petersen

Daily [ … ]

Honoring God

The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy. –Psalm 111:7

Psalm 111:7 speaks of God’s works, but as Christians, shouldn’t we do our best to emulate Him? Whatever task is set before us we should strive to perform to our best ability and with honesty. A man’s true character shows best when he thinks no one is looking. If we do the right thing–our best work–even when no one is around to see if we do a slip-shod job, then we’re honoring our God and no one can find fault with us.

Original Devotional by Kim Vogel Sawyer, author of What Once Was Lost

Daily Reflection: How do you honor God with your best work?

Giving In to God

“‘Almost everyone I’ve led to Christ—whether they were upstanding, good, moral people or out-and-out scoundrels without a hope in the world—they’ve all thought, at least at first, that the point of Christianity was ‘being good.’’

‘That is part of being a Christian, isn’t it?’

‘Sure. Doctrine of sanctification. God remakes us in the image of Christ. So, yes, we’ll grow and become better than we were. But if you think the whole point of Christianity is moral reformation, you’ll find out quickly how powerless you are to make that reformation happen.’

‘So Christianity is about giving up?’

‘No, it’s about giving in…Giving in to God. Handing your heart and life over to Him and casting yourself on His mercy alone.’”

Excerpted from Clear Winter Nights by Trevin Wax (coming September 2013)

Daily Reflection: Are you casting yourself on [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe by Sharon Jaynes

Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at:

Read the first chapter of Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe.

Powerful, effective prayer for your husband is easier than you think.

As a wife, you have been given the privilege of serving as a mighty prayer warrior for your husband. Yet sometimes, even when poised with the best of [ … ]

God’s Favorites

“Do you think God has favorites? Certainly God makes His love available to all, and Jesus came to earth so that “whosoever” might call on His name and be saved.

But Jabez, whose prayer earned him a “more honorable” award from God, might have made the case that God does have favorites. His experience taught him that equal access to God’s favor does not add up to equal reward. What happened to some of the others named along with him in Chronicles? Idbash, Hazelelponi, and Anub, for example. What honors and awards did they get from God?
Simply put, God favors those who ask. He holds back nothing from those who want and earnestly long for what He wants.”

Excerpted from The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson

Daily Reflection: What earnest prayer are you holding in because [ … ]

God Has a Reason

“The last biblical famine had occurred during Joseph’s time, and God had put that one in motion too: “He called down famine on the land and destroyed all their supplies of food.”

That sovereignty thing in action? Right. God really is in charge, and he really does know what he’s doing. The famine in Egypt made a way forward for Joseph “till the word of the Lord proved him true.”17 And that same famine, terrible as it was, brought Joseph’s brothers to his door for a God-ordained reunion.

Whenever heartache, loss, disappointment, stress, or any of the other stuff we hate comes our way, it helps to remember that hard times are purposeful, meant to refine and redirect us. They’re not arbitrary or random, and they’re definitely not cruel. If I’m going to suffer, at least let it be for [ … ]

Where is the Proof?

“Will I always get what I want? No! But I will always get what God wants. The same is true for you. Whether you are a Christian or not, you must never think that simply believing in something is enough. You canbelieve in your dreams, but you have to take action to make them happen.You can believe in your talents and have faith in your abilities, but if youdon’t develop them and put them to use, what good are they? You can believethat you are a good and caring person, but if you don’t treat otherswith goodness and care, where is the proof ?”

Excerpted from Unstoppable by Nick Vujicic

Daily Reflection: What are you believing in but not living out?

Finding Freedom in Your Relationships

“Freedom is an essential component in all healthy adult relationships. We’ve all witnessed the results in world history, in fundamentalist religious groups, and in families where freedom is squashed. Members are not free to question, to challenge, to think differently than the group. They are not free to grow or be themselves without fear of retaliation. Instead, they have to do and say and be what the group or person in charge tells them. That is not healthy, nor is it God’s plan. Although God wants unity in a family and in the family of God, he created great diversity. We are to be ourselves and be of one mind all at the same time. This one-mind idea doesn’t mean melding ourselves into the desires or demands of another individual, but together living for a common purpose and goal—the kingdom [ … ]