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Read the first chapter of Made Like Martha.

An invitation for overachievers to discover what it means to rest as God’s daughters without compromising their God-given design as doers.

Though she didn’t sit at Jesus’s feet like her sister Mary, biblical Martha was loved just as she was–and you are too. This practical resource invites modern-day Marthas to sit down spiritually as they exchange try-hard striving for hope-filled freedom without abandoning their doer’s heart in the process. Doers need to be affirmed in their innate design to do rather than sit, yet also be reminded that they don’t have to overdo it in order to be worthy. This book is not an exhortation to add or subtract things off your to-do list, but it is an invitation to embrace the “good” of the Good News. Here is an offer [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: SHAKE FREE by Samuel Rodriguez

Read the first chapter of Shake Free.

There is a way to confront problems in life, shake them off, and move on.

Based on the story (see Acts 27-28) of the Apostle Paul’s near catastrophic shipwreck, this is a call to individuals to shake off problems and disasters in life and move forward to new health and wholeness. To everyone on the ship with the Apostle Paul, it looked like a certain disaster. But as Paul predicted, everyone did survive–even though they made it to safety only by grasping “broken pieces of wood.” In his unique way, Rodriguez compellingly explains that “God makes wonderful things in our life come from our broken pieces. Because of Christ in our life, we have the power to shake off fear, rejection, and failure–just like Paul later shook off the viper that should [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Talking with God.

Prayer seems like it should be so simple. Yet, when it comes to actually praying, so often it feels awkward and complicated. The truth is, prayer is simple. It’s like talking. Talking with a good friend. Down-to-earth pastor Adam Weber offers an accessible, hopeful approach to one of life’s greatest mysteries: talking with God.

Now with a brand new bonus chapter and in paperback. This is a book on prayer for the person who longs to connect with God, but doesn’t really know how. It’s a book for the person who has a job, family, schedule, kids, deadlines, full inbox, and a million things to do and yet is curious about prayer and talking with God.

What does it really look like to pray in the midst of all of life’s [ … ]


Read the first chapter of A Contrarian’s Guide.

“Contrarian thinking at its best simply asks, Is this really true? It speaks up when the politically correct answer or the conventional wisdom doesn’t match reality – when things simply don’t work the way everyone says they should.”
– Larry Osborne

If you don’t fit the mold…
If you’re tired of adjusting to other people’s definitions of spirituality…
If traditional spiritual disciplines just aren’t working for you…
If all the standard answers aren’t enough…
…but your deepest desire
is to know God more…
Here’s Spirituality for the Rest of Us

SNEAK PEEK: GOD CODE by Timothy P. Smith

Read the first chapter of God Code.

The book that inspired the major History Channel series, “God Code,” shows there is more to the Bible than meets the eye–messages from God hidden for ages, now revealed by modern computer technology.

In God Code Timothy Smith reveals his quest over decades to understand the complex messages he discovered in an ancient Hebrew manuscript of the Bible–some of them applying specifically to him! His painstaking search has involved adventure and mystery, but instead of consulting ancient maps to find buried treasure, this hunt has relied on the data calculation power of modern technology. God Code shows how Scripture is more amazing than we ever dreamed…a unique, layered book that may even reveal the future of generations living today. In the companion History Channel series, the author travels across continents in search of artifacts missing since [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Open to the Spirit.

World-renowned New Testament scholar offers a straightforward examination of what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? What does he do in our lives? How can we know him more deeply, and is it possible to tap into his power? Should we pray to the Holy Spirit? Is it possible to be aware of his promptings and speaking into our lives? Dr. Scot McKnight answers these questions and more in this comprehensive examination of what the Bible says about this divinely important, but often confusing member of the Trinity.

This is the third work in a three-part series examining some of the more mysterious components of the Christian faith. Scot’s The Heaven Promise examines the afterlife. The Hum of Angels elucidates the Bible’s teaching on God’s supernatural messengers [ … ]


Read the first chapter of No One Ever Asked.

Challenging perceptions of discrimination and prejudice, this emotionally resonant drama for readers of Lisa Wingate and Jodi Picoult explores three different women navigating challenges in a changing school district–and in their lives.

When an impoverished school district loses its accreditation and the affluent community of Crystal Ridge has no choice but to open their school doors, the lives of three very different women converge. Camille Gray–the wife of an executive, mother of three, long-standing PTA chairwoman and champion fundraiser–faced with a shocking discovery that threatens to tear her picture-perfect world apart at the seams. Jen Covington, the career nurse whose long, painful journey to motherhood finally resulted in adoption but she is struggling with a happily-ever-after so much harder than she anticipated. Twenty-two-year-old Anaya Jones–the first woman in her family [ … ]


Read the First Chapter of The Burden Is Light.

A NYC pastor and global influencer inspires readers to find their most meaningful and purposeful life. Surprising to many, this life is not measured by success, comparison, or accolades. Rather, free and joyful living stems from a God-centered celebration of our union with Christ and the lives of those around us. 

Jon Tyson’s exploration of the reverse economy of the kingdom frees his readers from merit-based living…not just in terms of salvation, but daily, earthly value. Life is not meant to be a series of competitions or a survival of the fittest rat race. Yet so many of the messages around us, so many of the voices bombarding our hearts and minds tie up our value and package it with our accolades.

This book gives another way forward. It shows [ … ]


Read the first chapter of There Is More.

Founder and Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and author of LIVE LOVE LEAD shows how, with God’s power, you can believe and achieve a life that exceeds every earthly expectation. When you surrender control and follow God’s guidance, you become empowered and equipped to do the impossible, reach higher, and go further than you could have ever imagined–giving Him all the glory.

By building our lives around godly principles, surrounding ourselves with wisdom, and living for a cause greater than ourselves, we can effectively live out God’s purposes and have an enduring impact. As Brian Houston has personally discovered, when we depend on Jesus as the source for our identity, our lives can be a lasting legacy that maximize the gifts He has given each of us as unique individuals. There is More is [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Across the Blue.

Set in Edwardian England and ideal for readers who enjoy Julie Klassen novels, this romance about an English aviation pioneer and the girl who falls in love with him is filled with adventure and faith.

Isabella Grayson, the eldest daughter of a wealthy, English newspaper magnate, longs to become a journalist, but her parents don’t approve. They want her to marry well and help them gain a higher standing in society. After she writes an anonymous letter to the editor that impresses her father, her parents reluctantly agree she can write a series of articles about aviation and the race to fly across the English Channel, but only if she promises to accept a marriage proposal within the year. When James Drake, an aspiring aviator, crashes his flying machine at the [ … ]