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A Reward for Doing

“Jesus reveals why you and I can rejoice, even in the worst circumstances. Why? Because there is a direct connection between something you do for Him on earth and something “great” He will do for you in heaven.

Notice that Jesus describes it as a reward for doing, which would distinguish it, for example, from a gift you receive for believing. Also, the reward is specifically and personally yours if you behave in one way, but is not yours if you behave in another (for example, if you ran away under the pressure of persecution).

You see, Jesus isn’t asking you and me to enjoy misery on His behalf. Instead He’s saying that the consequences in heaven for certain actions on earth will be so wonderful that simply knowing they’re coming—and knowing that they will be great—can transform how [ … ]

The Creator’s Rhythm

“Nature gives us the unexpected, but it also gives us rhythm. When God created the world, He designed the sun to rise in the east and set in the west at basically the same times each day, allowing for the seasonal changes. We can depend on our Creator for this rhythm day after day, week after week, year after year, as it has been since the beginning of time.”

Excerpted from Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall

Daily Reflection: When was the last time you took a step back to appreciate the steadfastness of God through the beauty of His creation?

Modern Miracles

“People ask why so many miracles occurred in ancient days but not in our present time. I contend that there are just as many miracles occurring today, in the lives of ordinary people. But I also assert that most of us don’t look for miracles, don’t recognize them for what they really are, and don’t really believe them to be of divine origin even if their miraculous nature is noticed.”

Excerpted from To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal, MD

Daily Reflection: What miraculous things have you seen God do recently, even though they may have been small?

NEWS: Author Katie Ganshert Talks Writing Tips on KWQC TV’s “Paula Sands LIVE!”

Wishing on Willows author Katie Ganshert interveiws on KWQC TV’s “Paula Sands Live” Show. With two novels under her belt, including her first book Wildflowers from Winter, Ganshert chats with Sands about the ins-and-outs of writing.

Tune in as Ganshert offers insights for up and coming writers. To watch, click here.

Living a Joyful Life

“Live a life that truly thrives, one that constantly capitalizes on God-given joy.

Let me urge you again to strive for this joy—not just for your own sake but also for others in your life, such as your spouse, friends, colleagues, and especially your children. It’s the only life you’ll ever have. And no one can live it for you. It matters not if you have a thousand excuses for why your life isn’t joyful. At the end of the day, it’s far better to have a good life than a good excuse!”

Excerpted from The Seasons of God by Richard Blackaby

Daily Reflection: How do you impact those around you with your joy?

Forgiving Yourself

“When you are unforgiving toward yourself, it often yields a sense of isolation. You tell yourself that if you can’t forgive yourself, neither can anyone else, including God. But you are not alone. Jesus is with you in the fiery furnace. You will need to go to God to deal with the messages you keep sending yourself—the ruminations. You need to recognize up front how you might be making the problems worse. Decide to deal with it. Today you will begin the path to forgiving yourself.”

Excerpted from Moving Forward by Everett L. Worthington, Jr.

Daily Reflection: What is one thing you have trouble forgiving yourself for, and how can you turn it over to the Lord?

NEWS: “The Greatest Words Ever Spoken” Author on “Marilyn and Sarah”

The Greatest Words Ever Spoken author Steven K. Scott discusses his book with Marilyn Hickey and daughter, Sarah, on Marilyn and Sarah!

With Jesus’ words organized under more than two hundred practical, easy-to-find topics, find answers to your questions, along with comfort, wisdom, and encouragement to help you in your daily life.

Please check local TV listings for viewing times. To watch online, click here.


Tend Your Soul

“Saphora put the Bible beside her pocketbook and turned out the light. She lay in the dark listening to nothing at all. Even Luke was not digging. The river creatures had fallen quiet as if the earth were taking a big pause. As if waiting for her to notice that all these years, in spite of her occasional prayers, she’d neglected a part of herself— a connection to God. Maybe the soul needed to be tended the same as the mind or the body. Or else what was real crowded out what could be.

Excerpted from The Pirate Queen by Patricia Hickman

Daily Reflection: Are you tending your soul as well as you tend your mind and body?