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An Eternally Faithful Friend through the Good and the Bad

Church father and theologian John Calvin noted that the psalms provide
an “anatomy of all parts of the soul,” because every emotion in the
human continuum is expressed somewhere in these divine tunes. The
various writers depict God to be a forever friend who doesn’t ask His children
to hide their “ugly” emotions. His delight in you can be felt in both
grinning-from-ear-to-ear moments and drab days when you feel like life
has punched you in the gut. Regardless of how well or poorly we perform,
He is with us. No matter how happy or sad we feel, our heavenly Father
won’t walk away. Our Creator-Redeemer is always in our corner; He is
absolutely and eternally for us.

Excerpted from A Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper

Daily Reflection: How has [ … ]

NEWS: I Like Giving Named One of Kathie Lee Gifford’s “Favorite Things”

Today Show host Kathie Lee Gifford named I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life by Brad Formsma one of her “Favorite Things.”

“We are all doing rise to shine around here about giving back. If you are interested, get a book called I Like Giving by Brad Formsma. It’s practical ideas,” said Gifford.

To watch the video clip, click here.


Desiring God Daily

What is the most worthwhile thing humankind can experience on earth? Nothing less than God Himself! As glorious as God is, so is the glory that begins to work in the hearts and lives of those who give themselves to live for God. It is a great step forward in the life of a Christian when he or she truly sees this and regards their daily fellowship with God as the most important aspect of their existence. Take time and ask yourself whether this is indeed not the most important thing around which your life should revolve—to know God and to love Him with your whole heart. This is what God desires above all else; and it is that which, in answer to your prayer, He will enable you to do. So begin this and every day of the year [ … ]

Sneak Peek: Heart Wide Open by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson

You believe in God. You’re trying to serve Him.
But do you know how to truly love Him—and let Him love you?

Click here to download chapter one of Heart Wide Open.

As a Bible-believing churchgoer, author Shellie Tomlinson harbored a secret in her good-girl heart. She longed for something more than routine faith; she wanted to love God with a genuine, all-consuming passion. So she got honest with Him: “I admit it. I don’t love you like I should, but I want to love you. Help me!”

Click here to download chapter one of Heart Wide Open.



Sneak Peek: Spoken For by Robin Jones Gunn and Alyssa Joy Bethke

Say Yes to the Love Story of Your Life

Click here to download chapter one of Spoken For.

A great romance was set in motion before you were born. A relentless Lover is pursuing you, and He has made His intentions clear. He wants you to be His forever. How will you respond to the One who longs for you to be His with your whole heart?

Click here to download chapter one of Spoken For.



The Beauty Beyond the Past

Through His magnificent grace, God can take the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences in your life and use them to make you unbelievably better at what He’s created you for, whatever that might be! …He can take the good things that we remember most fondly, the bad things we might like to forget, and the ugly things that have shaped us into people we didn’t start out to be and use all of them to facilitate His individual purpose for each and every one of us.

Including you.

As Job said of God: “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted”(42:2). God is able to take and make whatever He wills. He can take whatever and whoever you are and make you into whatever and whoever you need to [ … ]

God Will Guide You

The busyness of today can shape our tomorrows. For better or worse, who and what I yield to today will affect who I become. We can’t accept every opportunity that comes our way, and we can’t always know which opportunity is the best to pursue or which doors we should walk through and which ones we shouldn’t.

Over the years I’ve discovered that I’m quite gullible, especially when it comes to bargains or a great sales pitch. Yet at the same time, I trust very few people, particularly when my children or grandchildren are involved.

Knowing I can trust God in any circumstance is a great help. He will guide me in the right direction, through the right doors, if I only will ask…and then listen for His answer.

Excerpted from Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall

Daily Reflection: How [ … ]

God’s Glory

O how we need to see that Christ, not comfort, is our all-satisfying and everlasting treasure. So I conclude that magnifying the supremacy of God in all things and being willing to suffer patiently to help people see and savor this supremacy is the essence of love. It’s the essence of God’s love. And it’s the essence of our love for people. Because the supremacy of God’s glory is the source and sum of all full and lasting joy.

Excerpted from A Godward Heart by John Piper

Daily Reflection: When was the last time you savored the supremacy of God?