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Climbing Mount God

So—how do you scale something as majestic as Mount God? How do you get to know someone as big as Him?

Answer: a little at a time.

We don’t wake up one day to discover that we are really “tight” with God just because we want to be. Knowing God—like going up the Matterhorn—requires that we pay a price. And that we take a lot of small steps every day.

But the main thing is to take the first step. In the little book of James we find the promise, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” God has already made the first move, inviting you through His Son Jesus Christ to come as close as you want. But you have to respond, telling (and showing) God that you want to be His friend.

Excerpted from [ … ]

Character studies

Why study the girls (and guys) of the Bible? Because they help us understand God’s character. Through the fickleness of his people, he reveals his unchanging nature. Through their neediness, he demonstrates his compassion. Through their rash behavior, he exhibits his patience. Through their sinful choices, he shows us what mercy looks like. Through their bitter complaints, he proves his capacity to love the unlovable. Through their disloyalty, his faithfulness shines.

Excerpted from The Girl’s Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs

Daily Reflection:

What have you learned about God’s character from your studies of the individuals in God’s Word?

Bonus Video:

Watch Liz Curtis Higgs perform her "Righteous Ruth Rap"!

SNEAK PEEK: Outtake of Chapter 1 from The Bride Wore Blue by Mona Hodgson

Enjoy this look at a chapter from the third book in the Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek series that was left on the cutting room floor. Sometimes the editing process requires leaving even wonderful scenes behind…but it’s all for the best!

Don’t miss Mona’s new blog either, where she shares all sorts of stories and adventures about her journeys.


The Bride Wore Blue: Outtake (Chapter 1 that was not included in final book!)

Finding Your Blessings

Everyone goes through times when they feel excluded, alienated, or unloved. We all have our insecurities. Most kids fear they’ll be mocked because their noses are too big or their hair is too curly. Adults fear that they won’t be able to pay the bills or that they will fail to live up to expectations.

You will face moments of doubt and fear. We all do. Feeling down is natural; it is part of being perfectly human. Such feelings pose a danger only if you allow negative thoughts to stick around instead of just letting them wash over you.

When you trust that you have blessings—talents, knowledge, love—to share with others, you will begin the journey to self acceptance even if your gifts are not yet apparent. Once you begin that walk, others will find you and walk with you.

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Not Alone

You’re not alone. In fact, you’ve got Somebody on your side who’s taking more than His fair share of the load.

Look for a moment in the ninth chapter of John. Jesus is having a conversation with not only His disciples but also a man who had been blind from birth. “We must do the work of Him who sent Me.” Whom was Jesus talking to in verse 4? I can’t be sure, but I have a strong feeling He was looking directly at that disabled man.

I choose to think Jesus was reminding that blind man that he was not alone. He was not alone in his disability. He was not alone in his despair. The works of God were about to be displayed through him. The Lord wanted this man to know that God Himself was standing by [ … ]

Indicators of God’s Movement

We might never have known anything about David if God had not arranged for Goliath to arise between David and his kingship. It’s a compelling story—one day David was delivering cheese and biscuits and ended up killing a giant. The next day he was carried through downtown Jerusalem, with women hanging over balconies singing songs to his name. Would any of that have happened without a great enemy?

What would the nation Israel have been without Moses facing down Pharaoh before the great migration out of Egypt? Maybe those 450 years of slavery the Jews endured would have lasted much longer.

Even Jesus lived in anonymity until Satan determined that He was more than Joseph the carpenter’s oldest boy.

Here’s why I say an enemy is a necessity: There’s a Goliath, a Pharaoh, a Satan standing between you and [ … ]

Theater Shooting in Aurora, Colorado

12 dead and 38 injured in what is being called the #theatershooting in Aurora (which is very close to our office in Colorado Springs). Driving into the office and listening to the radio, I wondered, “How should I respond to this?” – Anger? Gun control? Concealed carry? I arrived at work and went to chapter four in Randy Alcorn’s book, If God Is Good (download it here)

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