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Let God

Why is it that some people with disabilities […] or others with serious illnesses or cruel diseases can find peace, enjoy other aspects of their lives, and even make positive contributions despite their own challenges? Could it be that they have not allowed their physical problems to cripple them emotionally? Could it be that they’ve chosen to focus on what is good in their lives instead of what is bad? Perhaps. Here is another possibility: maybe they’ve let go and let God. Maybe they’ve decided to let go of their pain, anger, and grief and let God handle it instead. Most people dealing with serious health problems or severe disabilities put faith into action every day in some way. Often it is faith in their doctors and nurses or in their pills, treatment, and medical equipment. Accepting professional medical care [ … ]

The Power of Faith

“So we face a very important question: Will we be like the frightened workmen who fled adversity to save their lives, or will we be courageous and relentless as we pursue heaven’s mandate?I believe within this message are truths that have the potential to forge within you a relentless stance. Not only will these truths strengthen you to stand strong, but they will equip you with the power to overcome and make a positive difference.

It’s essential that you be grounded in this knowledge. For far too long God’s people have gone into captivity and been destroyed for a lack of it (see Isaiah 5:13; Hosea 4:6). Correct knowledge weaves a foundation of faith, and by faith we effect change in a lost and dark world. You were created to make a difference in your world of influence. Together, let’s [ … ]


The gifts have been opened, holiday meals eaten, and reheated and eaten again. Relatives are gone, the house and schedules are beginning to return to some semblance of normalcy. Now our minds turn toward a new year and the possibilities that are present as the calendar signals another year on the horizon.

This is a wonderful time to slow down and listen in prayer to what God’s desire is for you in the coming year. In prayer, release disappointments, unfulfilled projects and goals, and any hurts that happened over the last year. Give the Holy Spirit time to speak encouragement and hope to your heart. Give thanks for the blessings and the blessings hidden in the trials and tests you experienced. Surrender any losses into God’s hand and let His love heal your heart. Like each new day, each year [ … ]

Who Invented Christmas?

“Mama,” Little Cub asked one night. “Who ‘vented Christmas? Was it Santa?”
         “No,” Mama Bear said. “God invented Christmas. God gave us Christmas.”
         “Is God more important than Santa?”
         “Oh yes, much more important!” Mama said with a smile…
“What is that?” Little Cub asked in wonder as she watched the dancing lights in the sky.
         “That is God at work, Little Cub. He sent his only Son as a baby so that we would know light from dark. Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is how God gave us Christmas.”

Excerpted from God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa T. Bergren

Daily Reflection:
How can you thank God for everything He has given you?

Listening with Compassion

From the pages of A Wreath of Snow

On their long walk through the snowy countryside, when she’d bared her soul to him, Gordon had caught a glimpse of Margaret at fourteen. Vulnerable. Innocent. Fragile. However polished and grown-up her appearance this morning, he still saw a brokenhearted young lass with tears in her eyes.

I’m sorry, Margaret. He not only understood her pain; he shared it many times over.

Any time of the year, but especially at Christmas, the greatest gift we can give someone is a listening ear with a generous measure of compassion. Who might you offer that gift to this holy season?

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

An original devotion by Liz Curtis Higgs, author of A Wreath of Snow

Humble Beginnings

Jesus didn’t come to earth in a chariot. Nor was He wearing royal robes. Instead Jesus arrived naked, a baby in need of care. His cradle wasn’t lined with purple silk. No, the King of Kings was laid in a manger. The braying of donkeys, not trumpets, announced Jesus’ arrival.

That night in Bethlehem, more than 2,000 years ago, God humbled Himself to come to our sinful world, a rejected Savior.
In Ripples Along the Shore, the Civil War has come to a close. But Caroline Milburn is still engaged in a raging battle of her own. A battle for control. In devastating circumstances, Caroline questions God’s sovereignty, refusing to humble herself in His sight and step out of the way of God’s plans for her.   

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the [ … ]

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is a beautiful reminder of why Jesus was born in the first place—to die for you and me. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness” (1 Peter 2:24, NIV). As we put up the Christmas tree in our homes, it can only deepen our joy if we remember His death at this time of His birth. It is because He died for us that we can receive the eternal life represented by the evergreen boughs.

Have you ever noticed that the boughs of your tree extend out like the arms of Jesus stretched upon the cross as He offered His life to anyone who would come to Him in faith? And your Christmas tree is very definitely pointing toward heaven and, as [ … ]

Don’t Circumvent Your Training

Our Father knows the best training course for each of us. And although He doesn’t author the hardships, He permits them in order to strengthen us for the destiny He has for us.

Don’t circumvent your training process. The trials you face today are preparing you for the great feats you’ll accomplish tomorrow. Always remember, my friend, that God will not bring you into a challenging place without first making available the training you need to come through it successfully.

Learn to cast your cares on Him in true humility so that you can go from glory to glory, faith to faith, and strength to strength.

Excerpted from Relentless by John Bevere

Daily Reflection:
What challenges are you facing today? What training have you been provided to come through it?

Are You on Board?

“To joyfully choose to make our lives count for His renown is to join His cause and to get on board with what He is already doing with or without us. In so doing, we make sure our lives count for what matters most while enjoying for all time the very best God has to offer.”

Excerpted from I Am Not But I Know I Am by Louie Giglio

Daily Reflection:
How are you helping God in His work?

Be Not Afraid: I Go Before You Always

“In Hebrews 13:5 God says to us, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” That verse is a powerful reminder to me of the value my Creator places on his relationship with me. God chooses to be all there for me no matter what I go through in life. God is never too busy. God is never preoccupied with something more important. He is always present and available.”

Excerpted from One Month to Love by Chris and Kerry Shook

Daily Reflection:
How has God shown you the value of your relationship with Him?