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Feeling the Holiday Frenzy?

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday frenzy that ensues all around? Take a deep breath and slow your heart, mind, and soul. We invite you to read this excerpt from Joanna Weaver’s devotional, At the Feet of Jesus. May a few minutes spent at the feet of Jesus calm you today.

November 30th – God is within her, she will not fall. Psalm 46:5

Perhaps like me, you’ve tried for years to give a certain issue over to God. A habit, attitude, or addiction. Or an area of fear and doubt. “I’ll be different, Lord,” you’ve promised as you surrendered it to Him. And for a while you are. But just when you think you’ve finally gained victory over that issue, there it is again—back in your hand. Somehow you’ve picked up the habit or situation [ … ]

Kick Start: Living Life Full Throttle

“People facing the end of their lives are forced to recognize their powerlessness and limitations. The weaker they get, the more they have to depend on others to take care of them. At the end of the day, they know that much of their lives is out of their control. Ultimately, they’re forced to turn to God. The ironic thing is that when they finally stop struggling and rely on His strength, they discover real power to live the rest of their lives to the fullest.

You have the same limitless power available to you each and every day. Do you feel like you’ve been pushing a motocross bike around a rugged track? With a powerful engine, all you have to do is kick-start it and tap into God’s power for your life. In Ephesians, Paul says, ‘I pray that [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Fortress of Mist by Sigmund Brouwer

The throne is redeemed, but the battle is just beginning.

Click here to download chapter one of Fortress of Mist.

In the dark corners of an ancient land, evil lurks in the shadows. Powerful druids haunt the spaces of their lost territory. Double-minded noblemen fight for domain and influence. Invaders from the north threaten the kingdom of Magnus. This land of promise and redemption is mired in deceit and corruption.

Click here to download chapter one of Fortress of Mist.

Relationships from “Yes”

“No one can meet my needs but Christ. To ask my wife or anyone else to meet them is to ask people to do what only God can do. If we lived according to this truth, how would it transform our understanding of relationships? Relationships are transformed for the better when we love without expecting anything in return. We don’t have to manipulate the other person to get our needs met. We can let them be who they are. We can celebrate with their successes and grieve with their losses without jealousy or possessiveness. Out of the overflow of his own life, Jesus loved the people he encountered. Because he is complete in himself, he can extend himself even when his love isn’t returned.”

Excerpted from The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn Daily Reflection: How can you show your [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: One Glorious Ambition by Jane Kirkpatrick

One dedicated woman…giving voice to the suffering of many.

Click here to download chapter one of One Glorious Ambition.

Dorothea Dix wasn’t born into a charmed life, but she didn’t let it stop her from finding her God-given purpose. Inspired by Dorothea’s true story, One Glorious Ambition follows the life of a woman who fought for the rights of the mentally ill to give dignity and grace to these outcasts of society.

Click here to download chapter one of One Glorious Ambition.

The New Earth

In Deception, Clarence’s father Obadiah (son of a southern sharecropper) and mother Ruby watch through Heaven’s portals, and converse with their best Friend about what they see and hear:

“Ain’t it strange what these folks think?” Obadiah Abernathy asked.

The Carpenter nodded. “They cling to youth and health with a white-knuckled grip. But they don’t take time to prepare themselves for what awaits them on the other side.”

Obadiah nodded. “The one who spends his life movin’ away from his treasures is goin’ to despair. But the one who spends his life movin’ toward his treasures is goin’ to rejoice!”

 “Looking back,” Ruby said, “I wonder why I was so afraid to grow old. Every day brought me one day closer to being here with You.”

“Elyon’s Word tells us to look forward to a new heaven and a new [ … ]