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What’s In a Name

“In the sixty-six books of the Bible that were written over approximately fifteen hundred years, God revealed various names that reflect His multifaceted character and infinitely diverse ways. To the outcast Hagar, He was El Roi, the God Who Sees. To the needy Abraham, He was Yahweh Yireh, the Lord Will Provide. To the rock-toting teen warrior David, He was El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One. In each of these instances, God revealed a new aspect of His being to show that He was sufficient to take care of every need, all powerful to take care of every foe, and all present to take care of every circumstance.”

Excerpted from Knowing God by Name by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, and Mary Southerland

Daily Reflection: Which name of God is the most meaningful and personal to you?

Your Supernatural Life

“He did not place you on this earth to notice Him at work only once or twice in your whole life. He did not create you to consistently miss out on the wonder of His presence and power. The truth is, you were born to live a supernatural life doing God’s work by God’s power. You were born to walk out your door each morning believing that God will use you to deliver a necessary miracle today.”

Excerpted from You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson

Daily Reflection: Do you believe that God will use you to deliver a necessary miracle today?

Hearing God’s Voice

The key message about the Holy Spirit’s role is very simple: He helps me. He helps me know what to say when I’m speechless. He helps me know when to speak and when to keep my mouth closed…

You might be wondering if the Holy Spirit really speaks to us in such clear ways. The simple answer is yes. The truth is that most of us don’t have any trouble believing that God speaks to us. We just get frustrated because we don’t know exactly what He’s saying. Almost every one of us has a desire, even a desperation, to hear with confidence the voice of God. Who wants to stumble through life without the benefit of the clear direction and inward peace that comes from hearing God’s voice? The great news is that God doesn’t want that for us [ … ]

An Extraordinary Life

My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels! (Ephesians 3:9–10, MSG)

There’s One Person above all others who desires an extraordinary life for you. He is a Father who delights, like any good father, in the achievements and happiness of His children. His name is God! And nothing will please Him more than seeing you reach your highest potential.”

Excerpted from Extraordinary: Keys to a Breakthrough Life by John Bevere

Daily Reflection: Do you believe God wants you to reach your highest potential?

Knowing I AM

“If God’s name is I AM WHO I AM, as He confided to Moses, then my name must be I am not. After all, by the nature of the name and title I AM, the rest of us must be called something else—and that something is I am not I AM, or in short, I am not…

 “Hmm. What’s so good about this news?” you may be asking.After all, many of us have spent our lives trying to do more,gain more, become more influential, get ahead, and lead the way.The message of “I am not” seemingly comes as an affront to ourpursuit of being all we can be and experiencing the very best wecan achieve. Yet, the fact that our names are I am not does notrequire us to put ourselves down, but rather to embrace the factthat we have [ … ]

Tapping Into God’s Power

“Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God. (Matthew 22:29)

Do you see it? Jesus made a direct connection between knowing the Bible and leading a powerful life. Lukewarm men are in error because they “don’t know the Scriptures” and therefore “don’t know the power of God.” Their capabilities don’t equal their intentions. Without the right training, their soil remains bare, stony, and full of weeds. And as you’ll soon see, by “know the Scriptures,” Jesus was talking about a lot more than mere head knowledge.

On the other hand, transformed men “truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest.” Digging into the Word of God is easily the number one factor that differentiates men who have tapped into God’s power.”

Excerpted from Man Alive by Patrick Morley

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El Roi: The God Who Sees Me

The first person to call God by the name El Roi was Hagar. A woman used. Abused. Tossed away. Driven away. Running away. She was all that and more…

Hagar was a slave who had been sexually used and verbally abused. Hagar was a woman amazed that God heard her cries and saw her misery, that He took note of her condition and actually spoke to her.

Falling on her face, Hager gave God the name El Roi, the God Who Sees. “I have now seen the One who sees me,” she cried (verse 13). She had heard God. She had seen God. More important, God had seen Hagar. God had heard Hagar…

Today, remember. Remember who God is and that He will do what He said He will do. He is El Roi, the God who sees me. He [ … ]

The Greatest Story Ever Told

“Great stories need excellent beginnings and endings to give meaning to their middles. The first three chapters of God’s story brilliantly set up the unfolding drama of redemption. The last three chapters show how God will judge evil, reward good, and live with his children forever on the New Earth.

God’s story is the greatest story ever told and the prototype of all redemptive stories.”

Excerpted from If God is Good: Why Do We Hurt? by Randy Alcorn

Daily Reflection: How can you live with optimism in the “middle” now, knowing the beginning and end of God’s redemptive story?

A Never-Changing Word

“Political and economic systems change, but God and His Word never change…
The Bible presents the truth about ourselves, life, the world, and God. These claims occasionally overlap with other world philosophies and religions, but more often than not they stand apart. They present a unique, countercultural vision and worldview that challenges every other value system…

The message of the gospel contradicts both the moralist view of the religiously devoted and the immorality of the pagan. It challenges the hopelessness of naturalism while inviting the agnostic to come and see. It humbles the religious adherent who has found comfort in self-righteousness while offering a way to exalt the outcast. It unveils a mind-blowing kaleidoscope into the nature of God. He is revealed to be more loving, wise, just, beautiful, holy, accepting, approachable, and powerful than anyone would imagine.”

Excerpted [ … ]

Pleasing God in Heaven

“The Christians living in Philippi had given gifts of money, which Paul described as ‘a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God’ (Philippians 4:18). Another translation gives us this perspective on the gifts: ‘[They are the] fragrant odor of an offering and sacrifice which God welcomes and in which He delights’ (amp).

Our gifts today can do a lot of good. They can feed the hungry, heal the sick, encourage the brokenhearted, and spread the good news. But most importantly, they can please God in heaven, connecting His children to Him.
Think about that.”

Excerpted from Plastic Donuts by Jeff Anderson

Daily Reflection: Are you giving to simply do good or do you give to offer a pleasing sacrifice to God as well?