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A Never-Changing Word

“Political and economic systems change, but God and His Word never change…
The Bible presents the truth about ourselves, life, the world, and God. These claims occasionally overlap with other world philosophies and religions, but more often than not they stand apart. They present a unique, countercultural vision and worldview that challenges every other value system…

The message of the gospel contradicts both the moralist view of the religiously devoted and the immorality of the pagan. It challenges the hopelessness of naturalism while inviting the agnostic to come and see. It humbles the religious adherent who has found comfort in self-righteousness while offering a way to exalt the outcast. It unveils a mind-blowing kaleidoscope into the nature of God. He is revealed to be more loving, wise, just, beautiful, holy, accepting, approachable, and powerful than anyone would imagine.”

Excerpted from Godonomics by Chad Hovind

Daily Reflection: Do you view life through the countercultural vision of the Word or through the worldview of your environment?

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