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NEWS: A Plain Wisdom Recipe Featured on The Recipe Club


The book Plain Wisdom by New York Times best-selling author Cindy Woodsmall is a heart-warming read of stories, encouragement, and unique Amish Recipes. One of the recipes, Cooked Celery, has been featured on Click here to see it— and get cooking!

Click here for more information and to read an excerpt of Plain Wisdom.

Congratulations to our Christy Award finalists!

We couldn’t be more excited for our Christy nominated authors! Did you miss them when they first released? Find out more about them below.


(Contemporary Romance category)

About the Book:
Everyone in Redford, Colorado, has a secret—even Police Chief Jonah Westfall and the woman who loves him. Will the revelations drive them apart? Or make them indivisible?

Read the first two chapters

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(Young Adult category)

About the Book:
Lies and ugliness are his living, but the charlatan’s boy is forever on the lookout for the truth about where he comes from. Owing more to Twain than to Tolkien, [ … ]

The First Wave of Summer Reading!

Can’t you just feel the beach/vacation reading coming on? We’ve got a little bit of everything, written by some pretty fantastic authors, if we do say so ourselves. 🙂

Not sure what to get? Not to worry–check out the first chapter excerpt to help you decide. And don’t forget that you can also order them as eBooks for your eReader and schlep them along with you on vacation! Now, isn’t that handy?

What others are saying:“Heitzmann does a great job of weaving the back stories and too-present realities of each character into a unified tapestry of regret, hope, and redemption.”


ARTICLE: Getting to know debut author, Meg Moseley

Do you ever have a hard time finding new authors to read?

Maybe you do. Or mabye you don’t. But either way, we think you should give debut author, Meg Moseley, a chance. 🙂

Get to know more about Meg
Learn more about When Sparrows Fall
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Want to see what readers like you are saying about the book? Click through to Blogging for Books and search book reviews by the title When Sparrows Fall.

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DOWNLOAD: Where Lilacs Still Bloom Devotionals

Jane Kirkpatrick is known for looking at fiction through the lens of strong women in our country’s history. The same is true for her latest book, WHERE LILACS STILL BLOOM, where she shares the life of Hulda Klager.

Hulga Klager’s life-long passion for beauty and knowledge becomes the story of how the generosity of sharing one’s gifts transforms the lives of family, a community, and far beyond.

From Where Lilacs Still Bloom:

“Beauty matters… it does. God gave us flowers for a reason. Flowers remind us to put away fear, to stop our rushing and running and worrying about this and that, and for a moment, have a piece of paradise right here on earth.”

Drawing on the themes of generosity, sorrow, kindness, and perseverance found in the life of this remarkable woman, Jane Kirkpatrick brings us devotional thoughts:

[ … ]


Daughters 1In 1896, Helga and Clara Estby walked 7,000 miles across the country to earn a $10,000 reward that would save their family farm from foreclosure. But the walk that they took is only the beginning of the story and impacted their lives long after the final step was taken. And a walk could do the same for you!

How, you ask?

By setting up a “walk” event to help those in your community connect with each other, local or national charities, and in the process discover more about themselves.

Sound too difficult?

We’ve got some tools that can help you pull off an event in time for [ … ]