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NEWS: Miss Brenda and the Loveladies Featured on The Huffington Post

Miss Brenda and the Loveladies was excerpted on The Huffington Post. Go here to read “Don’t Judge. Imagine.” to learn how Brenda Lovelady Spahn overcame her prejudices against women in prison. Instead of running away, she decided to help them, and her remarkable true story has changed the lives of thousands of women who are looking for a fresh start.


BLOG: I Wish I Liked Shoes and Socks

By: Chris Sigfrids
Senior Online Marketing Manager
WaterBrook Multnomah

I recently read I Like Giving by Brad Formsma. It’s a book of stories from Brad and others about, well…giving. Most of the books you’d read on giving are about the theology of giving, tips on giving, or unpacking why we give. So when I started reading I Like Giving, I figured I wasn’t in for any earth-shattering discoveries. I Like Giving Book Cover

Most “giving” books have a way of making you feel guilty. What I found is I Like Giving did the exact opposite. It was refreshing, encouraging, and [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Stand Strong by Nick Vujicic

No Bully Can Define Who You Are

Click here to download chapter one of Stand Strong.

With no arms, no legs, and no defense, Nick Vujicic was once a bully’s target and knows what it feels like to be picked on and pushed around:  It makes your stomach hurt, gives you nightmares, and feels like there is no hope in sight. But Nick shows how you too can overcome and rise above bullying.

Click here to download chapter one of Stand Strong.

DOWNLOAD: Cloak of the Light Book Talk

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pdf_1002Librarians! Looking for a clean read for your young adult reading Christian and homeschool patrons?

Cloak of the Light by Chuck Black is the first book in his new trilogy, Wars of the Realm, for ages 12 and up. With angels and demons, military training, a brainiac best friend, and a mysterious girl—what more could you ask for in an action adventure novel? Download the Book Talk here.

Want to start reading? Download the Sneak Peek.


NEWS: Features “The Power of A Half Hour”

Author Tommy Barnett discuss his new book The Power of A Half Hour on

Barnett states that, “Many people think of a half hour as a minimal or meaningless gap in time, downtime to catch your breath between periods of major effort. But the truth is that your half hours can determine the difference between success and failure.”

To read more, click here.