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SNEAK PEEK: Stand Strong by Nick Vujicic

No Bully Can Define Who You Are

Click here to download chapter one of Stand Strong.

With no arms, no legs, and no defense, Nick Vujicic was once a bully’s target and knows what it feels like to be picked on and pushed around:  It makes your stomach hurt, gives you nightmares, and feels like there is no hope in sight. But Nick shows how you too can overcome and rise above bullying.

Click here to download chapter one of Stand Strong.


  • Bullying is such a satanic characteristic…..the pain is sometimes unbearable…..I know…I am a recluse because of the bullying that goes on in Retirement communities… is overwhelming…..Thank You Nick….God Loves You..and so Do I…

  • I agree with Barbara in comment above. I’ll be 70 on June 3rd. I’ve been bullied since adolescence. I have a fear of bullying that’s been impossible to overcome. I’m openly gay but instead of hiding in the closet I now hide in my apartment. This creates the problem of loneliness. As mother Teresa said, “loneliness is the worst kind of poverty their is.”

  • I was bullied yesterday by my sister in law in front of like 20 people, she did it costantly for 5 years but yesterday I began to defend myself I was loud agressive and confident and this time she was scared and she will NEVER again do it I will defend myself and humiliate her in every way so she will think twice. I encourage everyone to be confident and defend yourself, open your eyes widely and look in your bully, I have no mercy anymore!!!

  • Hi everyone, I am so greaetful, for whose I am.Today. You are an inspiration to me , Thank You.

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