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Sam Rodriguez 700 Club

Rodriguez Offers Clarion Call to “Be Light” on “The 700 Club”

As a guest on “The 700 Club,” Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, author of Be Light: Shining God’s Beauty, Truth, and Hope into a Darkened World, put out a call to Christians to not curse the darkness but to use their energy to “Be Light.”

“Some call the times we live in the blackest hour. But where light stands next to darkness, light always wins,” says Rodriguez, who serves as president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and has been described by Fox News and CNN as “America’s most influential Latino Evangelical leader.”

In his new book Be Light, Rodriguez takes readers on an inspiring and encouraging 30-day journey of looking at the intriguing qualities of light and how those qualities can guide readers to become light to the world around them.

To see Rev. Rodriguez’s interview on “The 700 Club,”  click here.

SNEAK PEEK: Reset by Nick Hall

Start reading Reset today!

Do you ever wish life had a reset button like your computer does?

Reset is an invitation to a second chance—a do-over—to get beyond past missteps and failures and present confusion and discontent. Whether your struggle has been with such things as faith, hope, purity, habits, plans, self-image, or relationships, Nick Hall looks to God’s Word to address the traps we fall into and clarify the practical ways we can get out.

SNEAK PEEK: Find Your Brave by Holly Wagner

Click here to download chapter 1 of Find Your Brave

The greatest strength is often discovered in moments of great peril. GodChicks founder Holly Wagner dares you to toss overboard the weight threatening to sink your life and drop anchor in the middle of the storm. Find Your Brave will give you a profound, new perspective on life’s most challenging storms.

SNEAK PEEK: The Very Good Gospel by Lisa Sharon Harper

A Vision of Hope for a Broken World

Click here to download chapter one of The Very Good Gospel

Shalom is what God declared. Shalom is what the Kingdom of God looks like.

Shalom is when all people have enough.

It’s when families are healed.

It’s when churches, schools, and public policies protect human dignity.

Shalom is when the image of God is recognized in every single human.

Shalom is our calling as followers of Jesus’s gospel. It is the vision God set forth in the Garden and the restoration God desires for every relationship.

What can we do to bring shalom to our nations, our communities, and our souls? Through a careful exploration of biblical text, particularly the first three chapters [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Spirit Contemporary Life by Leon Fontaine

Unleash the Miraculous in Your World!

Click Here to download chapter 1 of The Spirit Contemporary Life

The Spirit Contemporary Life reveals the key to living an empowered life—one that connects your day-to-day existence with God’s supernatural power.

When faced with the realities of a hurting world as a first responder-EMT, Leon Fontaine developed a passion for seeing God’s miraculous power at work–not only at the altar–but also in the back of his ambulance. And he wanted to do it in a way that wasn’t strange or off-putting to those who didn’t know Christ.

Maybe you can relate? You want to hear from God more clearly and see miracles happen in your everyday life. And you want to live your life in a way that attracts people to the Jesus you know and love. Using real-life examples, Leon [ … ]