Rodriguez Offers Clarion Call to “Be Light” on “The 700 Club”
As a guest on “The 700 Club,” Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, author of Be Light: Shining God’s Beauty, Truth, and Hope into a Darkened World, put out a call to Christians to not curse the darkness but to use their energy to “Be Light.”
“Some call the times we live in the blackest hour. But where light stands next to darkness, light always wins,” says Rodriguez, who serves as president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and has been described by Fox News and CNN as “America’s most influential Latino Evangelical leader.”
In his new book Be Light, Rodriguez takes readers on an inspiring and encouraging 30-day journey of looking at the intriguing qualities of light and how those qualities can guide readers to become light to the world around them.
To see Rev. Rodriguez’s interview on “The 700 Club,” click here.