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Sneak Peek: Choose Joy Postcard Book

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Designed with splashes of metallic ink, the cards within the Choose Joy Postcard Book are almost too pretty to color. Displaying drawings from a diverse range of illustrators, as well as an inspirational quote from either a historical voice or a contemporary writer—ranging from William Wordsworth to Joanna Gaines—each card offers a joy-filled, memorable escape from the busyness of everyday life.

Sneak Peek: For the Beauty of the Earth

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For the Beauty of the Earth is uniquely designed to help readers slow down and get lost in the wonder of God’s creation. These intricately crafted pages will inspire women seeking an inspirational experience, and bring groups of women together to color amongst friends at their homes, cafes, and coffee shops.

Sneak Peek: 52 WEEKS OF RESILIENCE by Ink & Willow

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Infuse spirituality and peace into your daily life with this beautiful interactive journal that offers a simple way to lower stress and rediscover rest.

Don’t worry. It’s easy to say these words because we know worrying doesn’t accomplish anything, but when we’re faced with our own uncertainties, worry is usually our first response. Drawing from biblical promises and wisdom, 52 Weeks of Resilience offers tried-and-true ways to let go of anxiety and live in peace and freedom. As you meditate on Scripture, reflect through journaling, and apply simple challenges to your every day, you will learn to intentionally:

  Choose gratitude and joy over worry without waiting for perfect circumstances
  Create a habit of prayer so you may find peace in surrendering your fears and worries to God
  Practice a spirit of thoughtfulness as you [ … ]

Sneak Peek: SIMPLY CHRISTMAS by Tama Fortner

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Thirty-one encouraging devotions to help busy moms pause and ponder the true miracles of the Christmas season–the wonder of a Savior who would leave heaven to save us and the love of those who share our home.

Between holiday baking, hunting for the perfect tree, decorating, preparing for visiting relatives, and making sure everyone gets the ideal gift, Christmas can be anything but peaceful for a busy mom. Too often, the stress and busyness of the season make it difficult to find time to just sit and reflect on the wonder of the Savior’s birth.

If this sounds familiar, allow Simply Christmas to be your personal invitation to slow down and savor the beauty of the manger this year. These thirty-one devotions are not dated, so you’re welcome to begin reading anytime–whether that’s on December [ … ]

Sneak Peek: THE DAILY BIBLE PROJECT by Ink & Willow

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For anyone looking to deepen their spiritual walk by reading through the Bible in a year, this keepsake journal offers a reading schedule with daily Scripture assignments and room to record three years’ worth of responses.

Derived from the popular Daily Question series, The Daily Bible Project follows the same three-year structure in this new keepsake journal. Instead of a prompt, however, each page offers a Scripture reading assignment for the day, along with brief journaling spaces to fill with your favorite verses or your own questions and revelations experienced while reading.

The daily reading plan is specially designed to keep you on track but not overwhelmed:
  The daily readings are chronological but include chapters from the Old and New Testaments.
  Each day’s reading prompt assigns roughly three chapters of Scripture.
  You’ll [ … ]

Sneak Peek: GET OUTSIDE by Ink & Willow

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For nature lovers seeking a greater appreciation of God’s creation comes a guided journal featuring inspirational quotes, thoughtful journaling prompts, and valuable information to enhance every outdoor adventure.

Designed to be sturdy enough to be taken along on nature hikes or any outdoor excursions, this beautifully designed guided journal will help you become more attentive to the handiwork of God in the great outdoors and in your own heart.

An activity log provides space to record every outdoor adventure, while guides to cloud formations, flora and fauna, navigation by the stars, outdoor photography, and wilderness safety give you the confidence to wander off the beaten path. Additional features include the top ten outdoor survival myths, a state-by-state list of top outdoor destinations, dos and don’ts of day hiking, how U.S. mountains compare in [ … ]