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NEWS: The Girl in the Glass Featured As a Top Pick on USA Today’s HEA Blog

Susan Meissner’s The Girl in the Glass was featured on USA Today’s Happily Ever After blog as a top pick for 2012. Go here to see the full list and here to read the review. Says reviewer Serena Chase, “Without a doubt, The Girl in the Glass has earned a permanent place on my keeper shelf.”

“A Wreath of Snow” Wins Christian Manifesto’s Lime Award for Excellence in Fiction

A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs is the winner of  Christian Manifesto’s Lime Award for Excellence in Fiction in the Historical Fiction Category. Congratulations Liz!  Reviewer Rachel Brand said, “This is definitely one of the best Christmas novellas I’ve read.”


Kerry Shook in Christian Post “Time to Be All There for Our Kids”

In an interview in the Christian Post, Woodlands Church Pastor Kerry Shook, co-author of One Month to Love with his wife Chris, encourages parents in the wake of the Newtown tragedy to be “all there for our kids.”  “…What we all hope would come out of such a terrible tragedy is that parents all over the country will see that we need to be totally engaged with our kids, totally there for them when they need us the most.  Being over-protective is not the answer. The answer is being overly-engaged, completely into their lives.”

Dr. Mary Neal Featured in “Christianity Today”

Mary C. Neal, MD
, author of To Heaven and Back, is featured in  Christianity Today’s cover story on heaven in the December 2012 issue.  Christianity Today examines the surge of interest in stories about personal encounters with heaven, such as Mary Neal chronicles in her New York Times #1 bestselling book.  Neal further describes her experience in heaven in this web exclusive interview with Christianity Today Editor Mark Galli

NEWS: Kay Wills Wyma Featured in Dec. 2012 “Thriving Family” Magazine

Cleaning House author Kay Wills Wyma offers practical help for the holidays in her article “An Others-Centered Christmas.” Featured in the December 2012 issue of Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family Magazine, Wyma provides thoughtful and meaningful ways to reach out to others this Christmas.

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