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SNEAK PEEK: PrayerWalk by Janet Holm McHenry

The Weather is Getting Warmer…Get Outside and Make a Difference!

Click here to read the first two chapters of PrayerWalk.

It’s Time to Exercise Your Prayer Life! Years ago, Janet Holm McHenry suffered from depression, weight gain, and exhaustion. Then she began a prayerwalk routine that not only transformed her life but also profoundly impacted the lives of those around her. Learn how you, too, can set out on a journey to increased energy, better health, and greater joy–and experience a rich, full prayer ministry that will have a lasting impact on your loved ones and community–one step at a time.

Click here to read the first two chapters of PrayerWalk.

NEWS: Preparing for Prom

It’s that time again – prom season is upon us. Prom can be the social highlight of high school for some students, but it is often associated with expectations for those dating or in a relationship. Help prepare your child for the pressures they may face Prom night with these resources.

SNEAK PEEK: God is Up To Something Great by Tony Evans

Turning your yesterdays into better tomorrows.

 Click here to download chapter one of God is Up To Something Great.

All of us go through good, bad, and just plain ugly times. But that’s only half the story. God can take all the experiences of your life and use them to make you unbelievably better at what He’s created you for!

But you say, “I am in a mess; it’s the biggest mess anyone ever made. You don’t know my mess!” There’s only one answer for that, says Tony:

“You don’t know my God.”

Click here to download chapter one of God is Up To Something Great.


Is It Possible?

Read the first chapter of Can You Keep Your Faith in College?.

You’re not alone in the struggle to maintain the faith you carried with you when you first set foot on campus. This book targets pertinent issues including, “The Transition,” academics, dorm life, peer pressure, extracurricular activities, sports, Greek life, dating, studying abroad, racial relations, and “God’s Surprise Encounters.” Don’t let your faith whittle away; build it up! It’s what defines you.

SPOTLIGHT: Soar by Kenny Luck

Discover the thrilling freedom of living in God’s power

Click here to download chapter one of Soar.

Soar teaches men how to disengage from the destructive forces of self-sufficiency and instead trust in the power of the Holy Spirit so they can experience gravity-defying freedom and a richer life in Christ.

Click here to download chapter one of Soar.

SNEAK PEEK: TwentySomeone by Craig Dunham and Doug Serven

Live Strategically

 Click here to download chapter one of TwentySomeone.

 The decade of your twenties is full of important, stressful, maddening questions: What will I do? Who will I love? Where will I live? But maybe there’s a bigger question: Who am I? The fact is, the period of time between your teens and thirties will shape a lot of your character, your calling, and your view of the world.

Authors Craig Dunham and Doug Serven (recent graduates of their twenties) explain that the difference between a twentysomething and TwentySomeone has to do with the questions we ask. Instead of asking, “What will I do?” twentysomeones need to ask “Who am I?”–the real [ … ]