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SNEAK PEEK: Trusting God by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, and Mary Southerland

You don’t have to understand God to trust him

Click here to download the first chapter of Trusting God now.

 Trusting God is your opportunity to connect with God—and your girlfriends. It’s also an invitation to replace your doubts, fears, and disappointments with God’s peace, confidence, and soul-rest. Come and find new contentment as you learn to trust God in new and satisfying ways.

Click here to download the first chapter of Trusting God now.


Read the first chapter of Relentless.

You were never meant to “just get by” as a Christian…

More than a strategy for survival, Relentless offers you a new spiritual mindset. Its biblically grounded truths free you to embrace even the most difficult circumstances. After all, you were never meant to “just get by” as a Christian. You were meant to rule over circumstances, rest in God’s love, and thrive in the light of God’s grace. Join the relentless experience today!

SNEAK PEEK: The Jesus Mission by Steven K. Scott

Christ completed 27 missions while on earth. Take up the 4 he assigned to you.

If you have questioned your life’s purpose, you don’t need to any longer. The Jesus Mission defines your purpose and meaning in four life missions. For anyone who remains uncertain about what God wants, this is the ultimate guidebook.

Click here to download the first chapter of The Jesus Mission.

NEWS: Chuck Colson Recommends Gabe Lyons’ Next Christians

Chuck Colson, host of the daily radio commentary “Break Point”and founder of Prison Fellowship, recommended Gabe Lyons’ book The Next Christians on his show, saying “Gabe Lyons is one of today’s truly promising young evangelical leaders…I appreciate Gabe’s fidelity to Scripture and his focus on the fundamental truths of Christianity. But what’s really exciting is how he’s applying the Truth in new ways, ways that really speak to young people.”  Read the transcribed show or listen to the broadcast here

Hear the story of how Gabe and his wife responded to their son’s Down syndrome diagnosis in a creative, life-affirming way.  “It was just using my gifts in storytelling and photography,” says Lyons, “But this is what Christians have to do everywhere. They show up [ … ]