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REVIEW: Fierce Beauty by Kim Meeder

Blogging_For_Books_250Blogger Review by “Rise & Shine for Jesus

I recently had the privilege to receive a copy of Fierce Beauty: Choosing to Stand for What Matters Most by Kim Meeder.

Before reading the book, I watched this video & was amazed by Kim’s ability to tell stories that draw the listener’s full attention.

The book was by far amazing. I recommend every women out there to go purchase this book. Reserve a copy…do what you have got to do to own this book. I don’t usually like to start out a book review with my personal opinion. I know that my opinion should be reserved for last, but i just cannot hold in how much I enjoyed this read! Each chapter [ … ]

NEWS: Is Your Family Over Digitized? Al Mohler’s Culture Shift excerpted on recently excerpted a chapter from Culture Shift by Al Mohler that explores the effect of the over-stimulation of the digital age on families.  Mohler is the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and writes a popular blog on theological and cultural issues at

In Culture Shift, Dr. Mohler confronts the argument that religiously-movitated discussions of morality have no place in the public sphere and then goes on to respond from an evangelical worldview to several hot-button issues.

You can read the excerpt, “Digitally Deluged,” here.