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Kick Start: Living Life Full Throttle

“People facing the end of their lives are forced to recognize their powerlessness and limitations. The weaker they get, the more they have to depend on others to take care of them. At the end of the day, they know that much of their lives is out of their control. Ultimately, they’re forced to turn to God. The ironic thing is that when they finally stop struggling and rely on His strength, they discover real power to live the rest of their lives to the fullest.

You have the same limitless power available to you each and every day. Do you feel like you’ve been pushing a motocross bike around a rugged track? With a powerful engine, all you have to do is kick-start it and tap into God’s power for your life. In Ephesians, Paul says, ‘I pray that [ … ]

Relationships from “Yes”

“No one can meet my needs but Christ. To ask my wife or anyone else to meet them is to ask people to do what only God can do. If we lived according to this truth, how would it transform our understanding of relationships? Relationships are transformed for the better when we love without expecting anything in return. We don’t have to manipulate the other person to get our needs met. We can let them be who they are. We can celebrate with their successes and grieve with their losses without jealousy or possessiveness. Out of the overflow of his own life, Jesus loved the people he encountered. Because he is complete in himself, he can extend himself even when his love isn’t returned.”

Excerpted from The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn Daily Reflection: How can you show your [ … ]

God’s Blessings

It is vital that we recognize and express our daily appreciation to God for the overwhelming blessings He provides to us. Anyone who seriously considers the opportunities and financial resources available to North American and European Christians in comparison to the billions who live in less-developed, less-prosperous countries will acknowledge that we are blessed.

When we consider our blessings compared to virtually all those who lived in past centuries, we must acknowledge that we are truly blessed to live in this era. Our access to healthcare, medicine, sanitation, clean water, and economic opportunities are unmatched in past centuries and in most parts of the world today.

The Word of God affirms that it is God’s blessing that provides the gift of wealth: “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power [ … ]

Just Like Your Father

The woman asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. “Oh yes!” he replied. “I cannot take my eyes off the silver. If it is left in the furnace even a moment too long, it will be destroyed.” The woman suddenly understood the beauty and comfort of Malachi 3:3: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”

Yes, there are times when it seems as if we will be swallowed whole by the fires of hell itself. The pain seems too hard to bear. The fear is paralyzing. The doubt is overwhelming and the questions flood our hearts and minds…

Our trials are not random persecutions. Heaven is not in a panic. Where we are and what we are going through [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: One Month to Love by Kerry & Chris Shook

Improve your most important relationships—starting today.

Click here to download chapter one of One Month to Love.

At the end of the day in this all-too-short life, what matters most is relationships. Spouse, parent, child, friend—whoever your closest loved ones are, they warrant more than a passing glance; they deserve an intentional and meaningful relationship with you. The One Month to [ … ]

The Shepherd Loves the Sheep

The gifts of Jesus to the church are gifts of ministers—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. But as Paul revealed here, all of these ministers have the same ministry. That ministry is “equipping.” Now, that equipping ministry manifests in differing ways among those five offices, but they all are given to produce the same outcome: to equip the saints for the work of ministry and to edify (or strengthen) the body of Christ.

Excerpted from The Blessed Church by Robert Morris

Daily Reflection: In what way has Christ equipped you for His ministry?

Then Came Christ

“Before I met Christ, sin was fully in charge. It pulled my strings like an evil puppet master, causing me to dance like a helpless marionette. Enslaved to his dark choreography, I flopped here and there, going through the motions of life. On the outside I appeared as though I was in control, but in reality I was a powerless captive. A slave. Addicted to self-love, pain avoidance, and pleasure, I did sin’s bidding—beating myself up for my failures and slapping myself on the back for my accomplishments. I was a one-person Punch and Judy show.

Then Jesus came. When I said yes to Him, the Puppet Master, He cut the soul-strings that tied my soul to sin and allowed me to truly live. I was no longer a wooden Pinocchio wishing and longing to be real. Christ breathed [ … ]