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DOWNLOAD: ROAR! by Heather and David Kopp

ROAR! A Christian Family Guide to the Chronicles of Narnia

Roar! is the complete Christian family guide for the Chronicles of Narnia. There’s something for everyone—from elementary aged children to their parents. Packed with fun activities, a “Narniac’s Creed,” tips on speaking like a British schoolboy, games, trivia, and more, Roar!  is built on solid teaching: chapter by chapter discussion guides, conversation starters for parents and kids, and Bible parallels that will surprise even the most studious Christian. Now you can get the most out of Narnia—even if you don’t own a wardrobe!

Meet the Contributors! 


Take a look at the answers to questions submitted by readers to Professor Narniac!


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Read the first chapter of Lazarus Awakening.

No more graveclothes…no more tombs…Love is calling your name.

Lazarus Awakening explores the truth that Jesus loves you apart from anything you accomplish. You may feel spiritually dead—but God is ready to breathe hope in you again. You may feel bound in the graveclothes of regret, fear, or self-condemnation—but Jesus is calling your name.

SNEAK PEEK: The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott

Observe the way Jesus lived. It will revolutionize the way you live.

Click here to download the first chapter of The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived now.

Steven K. Scott reveals the unique ways Jesus lived as a leader who accomplished all his missions, so you can learn to follow the most authoritative, inspiring, and practical model of personal success and significance in your career, relationships, family life, and ministry.