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Listening to Your Life

Listening to your life involves connecting with God, yourself, and the people you encounter to get directions for finding and staying on your path. It is about being curious enough and honest enough to answer the important questions that will enable you to grow. It is about using what you hear to create a vision that pulls you forward and opening your mind to the creativity that will unlock doors and create experiences at a higher level than you have ever experienced. Listening to your life gives you both the confidence to keep walking your path even when it seems nothing is coming together the way you hoped and the tenacity to flow smoothly through the twists and turns that threaten to knock you off course. It also opens you to the rich and abundant rewards of living generously and [ … ]


Sometimes our curiosity can lead us where we don’t really want to go. But it doesn’t have to, especially if we remember that peace and happiness don’t come from knowing everything, as God does, but from simply obeying God and trusting Him to reveal information on a need-to-know basis. His goal is not to keep things from us, but to hold certain information for us so it doesn’t cause unnecessary pain and suffering in our lives.

Excerpted from Completely Forgiven by Shannon Ethridge

Daily Reflection:

Do you trust God to reveal information as necessary?

Depth, Not Length

God invites each of us to spend time with Him and to get to know Him. But He doesn’t force Himself upon us. His Word promises, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” ( James 4:8). God’s invitation stands: we’re welcome to draw as near to Him as we desire. God sets no limit to how closely we can come to know Him. He doesn’t restrict us to learning doctrines about Him or to voicing formal, rigid prayers to Him. His invitation is open ended. The limit to how close we draw to God lies with us.

Excerpted from Unlimiting God by Richard Blackaby

SNEAK PEEK: I Gave Dating a Chance by Jeramy Clark

Is not dating really the only acceptable option in God’s eyes?

Click here to download the first chapter of I Gave Dating a Chance now.

In recent years, “dating” has become a dirty word in many Christian circles. So dirty, in fact, that young believers are now encouraged simply not to date. This position has provoked an open debate among teens, their parents and youth workers, and single adults. For a great number of them, many questions remain unanswered.

The time has come for a sound, biblical, and practical approach that balances out the extreme perspectives: dating without responsibility versus a complete withdrawal from the dating process. Learn how you can confidently pursue healthy dating relationships that are characterized by holiness and integrity–and ultimately [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: In Light of Eternity by Randy Alcorn

Learn how to live with your true home always in sight.

Click here to download the first chapter of In Light of Eternity now.

In Light of Eternity will grip your soul and open your eyes to the realities of heaven.  Far from boring, heaven promises to be an exhilarating adventure in which every chapter is better than the one before.

One moment after you die, you’ll find out what’s on the other side.  Don’t wait until then.  Let this book guide you into discovering how wonderful your eternal future will be–and what you can do now to prepare for it.

Click here to download the first chapter of In Light of Eternity now.