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DOWNLOAD: Recipes From the Characters of Twice a Bride

Love lost doesn’t mean love lost forever.

The final book in the Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek series, Twice a Bride , comes out today! Discover what Miss Hattie and Willow Peterson have in store in life and love.

You can join the fun with these three free recipes, straight from the characters of Twice a Bride!


Click here to download Miss Hattie’s Lemon Scones!

Click here to download Miss Hattie’s Vanilla Pound Cake with Berry Sauce!

Click here to download Nell Sinclair Archer’s Peanut Cabbage Salad!

Have you read an excerpt of Twice a Bride yet? Click here to get started!


Reaching Maturity

From the moment we’re born, we tend to associate love with what others do for us and the speed with which they do it. We learn to feel loved when we get our needs met—quickly. Sadly, many of us carry the same childish, demanding spirit into our relationship with God. But He knows that if He indulged our insatiable desire to have instantaneous help at every juncture, we would never
grow up. Instead we’d be crippled emotionally and unable to stand, let alone walk, on our own.

Growing to maturity means learning to accept delayed gratification. Part of putting childish ways behind us, spiritually speaking, involves subduing the whiny, demanding part of our flesh that insists that, if God loves us, He must act according to our specifications, our scripts, and especially our time lines.

Excerpted from At the Feet [ … ]

Be a Reflection

In the Bible, James said that our actions, not our words, are the proof of our faith. He wrote in James 2:18, “Now someone may argue, ‘Some people have faith; others have good deeds.’ But I say, ‘How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.’ ” I’ve heard it said that our actions are to our faith and beliefs as our bodies are to our spirits. Your body is the housing of your spirit, the evidence of its existence. In the same way, your actions are the evidence of your faith and beliefs. You have no doubt heard the term “walking the talk.” Your family, friends, teachers, bosses, coworkers, customers, and clients all expect you to act and live in alignment with the beliefs and [ … ]

Got Laughter?

Hattie covered her mouth, but the giggle escaped anyway. Boney Hughes lay under her kitchen sink, his upper body concealed by the cupboard. His legs sprawled over her linoleum flooring.
Boney scooted out from under the sink and peered up at her. ‘You think me rappin’ my old knuckles on these leaky pipes is funny?’
Unable to stifle her amusement, Hattie nodded. ‘You look like a . . .’ She fanned herself, trying to regain her composure while he stood. ‘Like a fish out of water.’
Boney’s winter-white eyebrows arched. ‘A big old river catfish?’
Giggling, she studied him from his wiry beard to his worn boots. ‘A smaller fish perhaps, but surely one with a big heart.’”

The proprietor of Miss Hattie’s boardinghouse and Mr. Boney understand the gift of a merry heart.
[ … ]


“During peacetime, pre-9/11, it wasn’t a popular decision to join the military to protect your country,” says Mark Kramer, “so my decision was sort of validated that day. Adam and I were going around trying to find coverage to call home, and he was right with me, saying, ‘Get us out there—let’s get some payback.’ Adam had this intense love for his hometown and state, which is really what patriotism is. We had both been competitive in sports, talked about the frustration of watching a game from the sideline, so we were hoping and praying that the powers that be would let us go out and do what we were trained to do.”

Kelley, just back from an early morning trip to Wal-Mart for diapers, was holding Nathan tight and watching the news when Adam finally got through.
“It’s [ … ]

Right Relationships

What does God want from you and me? Does God want us to think the right thoughts or to do the right things? Of course. But above all God wants us to be involved in right relationships. When the Bible says, “God is love,” it is saying that God is a relationship. Love has no value or meaning in a vacuum. Right relationships are not produced by right thoughts or right actions. Just the opposite. Right thoughts and right actions are produced by right relationships.

Excerpted from Real Church in a Social Network World by Leonard Sweet

Daily Reflection:
What changes do you need to make in your relationships (with others and with God) to create relationships that foster the right actions and thoughts?

SNEAK PEEK: The Radical Question and A Radical Idea by David Platt

Challenge the Status Quo

Read the first chapter of The Radical Question and A Radical Idea two-in-one book.

The Radical Question offers a compelling introduction to Radical’s challenge to the contemporary church. In this concise message, Platt asks, “What is Jesus worth to you?” Then he explores what a commitment to Jesus would actually look like in action. [ … ]