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The Perfect Storm

I have a friend who loves to sail. When I asked him if he had ever been caught in a bad storm, he responded, “Many times!” I shook my head in disbelief, concluding that my friend was obviously a glutton for punishment. Of course I had to ask, “Then why on earth do you keep sailing?”

His answer was profound. “Mary, every sailor knows that there will be storms. You just learn what to do when the storm hits. In a severe storm, there is only one thing to do and only one way to survive. You have to put the ship in a certain position and keep her there.”

The same is true in our lives. When the fierce storms of life overwhelm us, there is only one thing to do if we want to survive. We must position [ … ]


The Bible’s perspective on adversity is that it is always working for you. Sometimes God sends it. And even if He doesn’t, He still uses it.

So, as a biblical believer, I conclude:

There is no way to lose in any given situation.

I believe if we understand why we might be going through something, the grace and strength to see it through will be there. But if we don’t know why tough things have fallen in our laps, it’s hard to stay focused.

That wisest of all men, Solomon, once said, “In all your getting, get understanding”
(Proverbs 4:7).

Excerpted FromThe Necessity of an Enemy by Ron Carpenter

Daily Reflection: What can you do the next time you’re faced with adversity to sit back and “get understanding” on God’s use of it?


Pull out the newest bill in the highest denomination you have. Look at it carefully. If it’s new, it looks crisp, doesn’t it?

Okay, now I want you to crumple up that bill into a little wad. Pound it with your fist if you like. I’ll wait…

Now unwad the bill and smooth it out. It doesn’t look so crisp anymore, does it? So do you still want it? Of course you do.

Next I want you to crumple the same bill up again, then stomp on it several times. If you do it on a dirty floor, that’s even better. I’ll wait again…

Did that feel good? Now smooth out the bill again. It’s starting to look a little tattered, isn’t it?

Do you still want it? Of course you do! Why is that? Because the condition of [ … ]

Happiness in God

If you’re serving Jesus, it’s not supposed to be about happiness, right? The goal of submitting to Christ is not to assure your own sense of satisfaction.

That’s true, as far as the statement goes. Serving God is about faithfulness and obedience, not about seeking personal happiness. But serving God and others in ways you were created and gifted for brings a natural sense of joy and soul satisfaction. These feelings come from the synergy of your life connected to God’s Spirit and involved in a realm of Kingdom missions work that you were designed and equipped for. These things come to you from living within God’s plan and design.

Excerpted From The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn

Daily Reflection: How has your faithfulness and obedience to God brought you joy and satisfaction?

Tough Conversations

Ollie Chandler, homicide detective, has a strong sense of justice. That’s why he’s a cop and why he has tough questions for his Christian friends, Jake and Clarence in Randy Alcorn’s Deception:

“I don’t want to die trusting that God will make things okay… If I can make things right, I do. So if God can make things right, why doesn’t He?… It seems like if you become a Christian you live happily ever after because you go to heaven, and that makes up for life’s miseries. Never mind that people suffer and die, and murderers get away. After all, there’s pie in the sky by and by. Sorry, but I’d rather have my pie here and now.”

Speaking of which, I noticed that huckleberry was Lou’s pie of the day.

Ollie’s friend Jake reads a few Bible verses [ … ]


Forgiveness is rarely a singular action but rather a process. In most situations we will need to forgive again and again. Rest in the assurance that repeating waves of anger and negativity that rush our way will only serve to wash away any resentment still lingering within our hearts. It’s
these waves that come from our enemy after we forgive that help us choose to continue to forgive.

Excerpted from Fierce Beauty by Kim Meeder

Daily Reflection: God works in mysterious ways. How has God been shaping your life recently?

DOWNLOAD: God Gave Us Easter Coloring Page

The newest in the beloved God Gave Us series by Lisa T. Bergren, God Gave Us Easter, will be available January 15, 2013! Begin the journey toward Easter early with this downloadable coloring page from the book.

Click to download the God Gave Us Easter coloring page.

If you want even more coloring fun with Biblical truths from this series, click here.