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The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

“The Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). What does God really mean by “all things”? Most likely He means all things—the good, the bad, and the ugly. I believe that in every dark circumstance of life, there is a nugget of gold or a hidden treasure just waiting to be discovered. However, for that to happen, we must look beyond the dirt, push it aside, and search beneath the surface.

Is it easy? No. Is it messy? Usually. Is it worth it? Always.”

Excerpted from Trusting God by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, and Mary Southerland

Daily Reflection: Even through the rough waters and hard times, God is working for us. What hidden treasure has [ … ]

NEWS: “God Distorted” Author Guest on TBN’s “Praise the Lord” Tonight!

Join author John Biship tonight LIVE on TBN Trinity Broadcasting Network‘s “Praise the Lord” as he discusses his new book “God Distorted”!

Discover how regardless of the type of father you grew up with—or without—it is likely that your view of God is influenced by the relationship you had with your father.

Author John Bishop wants to help you discover that God is not just like your dad. Instead, God is the Father revealed in Scripture, where the truth is clear. God is a father who is:
•  always there
•  up close and personal
•  fully pleased
•  in complete control
•  completely safe

To find out more about God the Father, check your local listings for TBN’s “Praise the Lord” broadcast times tonight in your area!


The Focus of Your Life

When Jesus walked this earth, he worked to get the focus off “good” people doing what appeared to be “good things” and to get their focus back on God. Many people in first-century Israel were pointing to the rules; Jesus pointed to a God who wanted a relationship with his people. Religious professionals focused on the law; Jesus focused on the Lawgiver who knew our hearts and offered us grace in the midst of our failures.

A healthy, growing faith is always focused on the person of God himself, not on cheap substitutes. A healthy faith begins and ends in God, not in rules or regulations or sheer, raw duty. Jesus, not religion, is at the core of a robust Christian faith.

Today Jesus offers you and me the same opportunity he gave to those people in the early church. [ … ]

NEWS: 5th Anniversary Edition of “Do Hard Things” Featured on!

The 5th Anniversary Edition of  Do  Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations, co-authored by twins Alex and Brett Harris, is featured on

Celebrating five years of encouraging teens to make a positive difference in the world, the anniversary edition of this landmark book offers fresh material including a new introduction, a Q&A starter primer and a conversation guide.

Originally released in 2008, Do Hard Things became a CBA best seller, and now has more than 450,000 copies in print!

Our Director in the Journey

“Here is one of the most amazing privileges about growing intimately in our relationship with God, as well as in our marriage: We never “arrive.” There are always more journeys ahead, more opportunities, more challenges. This challenge is before you now. We’re here to help and guide and provide plenty of suggestions. Most of all, God is readily available to direct—and bless—your journey.”
Excerpted from Faith Tango by Carolyn and Craig Williford

Daily Reflection: How can you take another step in growing more intimate in your relationship with God?

Dannah Gresh’s TED Talk on Tolererance on Campus

“Have you had sex with this man?” Dannah Gresh, author of Get Lost and What Are You Waiting For,”  asked that question of an audience staring at a big screen photo of NFL football player Tim Tebow during TEDxPSU this spring. The audience of 900, mostly Penn State University students, was challenged to consider if it was possibly intolerance of virginity that led the media to print the question along with the offer of a one million dollar ransom for anyone who could prove they’d taken Tebow’s virginity. She then used social science to debunk the myths that perpetuate the lie that those who embrace their virginity are doomed to have bad sex, proving not only that those who reserve sex for marriage have great sex but when you have sex with just anyone “your body makes a promise whether you do [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Wishing on Willows by Katie Ganshert

Does a second chance at life and love always involve surrender?

Click here to download chapter one of Wishing On Willows.

A three-year old son, a struggling café, and fading memories are all Robin Price has left of her late husband. As the proud owner of Willow Tree Café in small town Peaks, Iowa,  she pours her heart into every muffin she bakes and espresso she pulls, thankful for the sense of purpose and community the work provides…

Click here to download chapter one of Wishing On Willows.


Battle-times are painful times. But they also are defining moments, providing opportunities to identify more clearly what we stand for…and what we do not. When we’re challenged, truly challenged, to fight for the things we deem most important—faith, family, friendship, life itself—we recognize that everything else is transitory, temporal. And we also recognize our dependence on God as our ally, our strength, our shield (Psalm 28:7).

As parents, we’re tempted to shield our children from every strife. The bully. The bad teacher. The pain of false accusations and unfair decisions and attacks on their faith. We
want to protect them when we really should be teaching them how to protect themselves—to truly utilize the weapons of God’s Word, prayer, truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation. Are we helping them commit Scripture to heart? If so, God can bring those [ … ]