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SNEAK PEEK: Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory

You are Invited to a Dinner with Jesus of Nazareth

Click here to download chapter one of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger.

The normally confident, cynical Nick soon finds himself thrown off-balance, drawn into an intriguing conversation with a baffling man who comfortably discusses everything from world religions to the existence of heaven and hell. And this man who calls himself Jesus also seems to know a disturbing amount about Nick’s personal life.

Click here to download chapter one of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger.

SNEAK PEEK: As Silver Refined by Kay Arthur

What Can You Do When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like You Planned?

Click here to download chapter one of As Silver Refined.

Life’s disappointments can send you on a dangerous downward spiral into discouragement, depression, or even despair.  But in this eye-opening book, Kay Arthur guides you to biblical truths that will help you break that cycle and instead embrace disappointment as the cleansing fire God uses to make you—as silver refined—a reflection of His goodness.

Click here to download chapter one of As Silver Refined.

SNEAK PEEK: When Bad Christians Happen to Good People by Dave Burchett

Real Help for Bad Christians (and Those Who Have Encountered Them)

Click here to download chapter one of When Bad Christians Happen to Good People.

Dave Burchett’s family was hurt by the thoughtless and insensitive actions of Christians, and out of his pain he decided to help others. The church can come across like a religious club where the uninitiated are kept at arm’s length. Even the faithful grow weary of battles over manmade rules and requirements. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Click here to download chapter one of When Bad Christians Happen to Good People.

SNEAK PEEK: Shadows on the Sand by Gayle Roper

Family, friends, romance … kidnapping. What’s wrong with this picture?

Click here to download chapter one of Shadows on the Sand.

Romance, suspense, family, and humor live in Seaside, New Jersey, where strange and wonderful things commonly happen, and dangerous and fascinating secrets are frequently revealed.

Click here to download chapter one of Shadows on the Sand.


Read the first chapter of A Sound Among the Trees.

A house stuck in time. A line of women with a heritage of loss.

As a young bride, Susannah Page was rumored to be a Civil War spy for the North, a traitor to her Virginian roots. Her great-granddaughter Adelaide, the current matriarch of Holly Oak, doesn’t believe that Susannah’s ghost haunts the antebellum mansion, looking for a pardon but rather the house itself bears a grudge toward its tragic past.

SNEAK PEEK: Experiencing the Cross by Henry Blackaby

Receive the reallity. Discover the power. Live the Experienc.

Click here to download chapter one of Experiencing the Cross.

Although the cross is God’s decisive deed in human history, the full meaning of it is far too much for a mere human mind to grasp. But through Henry Blackaby’s careful examination, the cross becomes not a doctrine, but an experience. You’ll be overwhelmed with the utter significance of Christ’s death, leading you to a stronger sense of God’s power in your daily life.

Click here to download chapter one of Experiencing the Cross.