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ARTICLE: How Meg Moseley’s Writing Started

Every wonder how authors came to love writing?

Debut author Meg Moseley shares her story!

Meg Moseley: Writer

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SPOTLIGHT: little books with BIG IMPACT

Don’t miss out on these powerful books for your spiritual growth! Click on each cover to start reading now!

The normally confident, cynical Nick soon finds himself thrown off-balance, drawn into an intriguing conversation with a baffling man who comfortably discusses everything from world religions to the existence of heaven and hell. And this man who calls himself Jesus also seems to know a disturbing amount about Nick’s personal life.

Aboard a plane, Mattie is relieved to find herself seated next to a passenger who shares her scorn for religion. After she confides her husband’s unexpected religious turn, their conversation soon leads to a fascinating exploration of spirituality, [ … ]