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SNEAK PEEK: hand in Hand by Randy Alcorn

If God is sovereign, how can I be free to choose?
But if God is not sovereign, how can he be God?

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.

In hand in Hand, Randy Alcorn says that the traditional approach to this debate has often diminished our trust in God and his purposes. Instead of making a one-sided argument from select verses, Alcorn examines the question in light of all Scripture. By exploring what the whole Bible says about divine sovereignty and human choice, hand in Hand helps us…

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.


SNEAK PEEK: IF GOD IS GOOD (Trade Paperback) by Randy Alcorn

Read the first chapter of If God Is Good.

Suffering is, in the end, God’s invitation to trust him.

 Every one of us will experience suffering. You may be in such a time now. We see the presence of evil in the headlines every day.  It all raises questions about God—Why would an all-good and all-powerful God create a world full of evil and suffering? How can there be a God if suffering and evil exist?

SNEAK PEEK: Future Grace, Revised Edition by John Piper

Explore the stunning quality of God’s grace:  It never ends!

Click here to download chapter one of Future Grace.

In this revision of a foundational work, John Piper reveals how grace is not only God’s undeserved gift to us in the past, but also God’s power to make good happen for us today, tomorrow, and forever.

True life for the follower of Jesus really is a moment-by-moment trust that God is dependable and fulfills his promises.  This is living by faith in future grace, which provides God’s mercy, provision, and wisdom—everything we need—to accomplish his good plans for us.

Click here to download chapter one of Future Grace.

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NEWS: Is Your Family Over Digitized? Al Mohler’s Culture Shift excerpted on recently excerpted a chapter from Culture Shift by Al Mohler that explores the effect of the over-stimulation of the digital age on families.  Mohler is the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and writes a popular blog on theological and cultural issues at

In Culture Shift, Dr. Mohler confronts the argument that religiously-movitated discussions of morality have no place in the public sphere and then goes on to respond from an evangelical worldview to several hot-button issues.

You can read the excerpt, “Digitally Deluged,” here.

SNEAK PEEK: Primal by Mark Batterson

sneak-peak_1852AMO DEI. LOVE GOD. Nothing is more important.

Download and read the first chapter of Primal.

What would your Christianity look like if it was stripped down to the simplest, rawest, purest faith possible? You would have more, not less.

This book is an invitation to become part of a reformation movement. It is an invitation to rediscover the compassion, wonder, curiosity, and energy that turned the world upside down two thousand years ago. It is an invitation to be astonished again by the Greatest Commandment.

Click here: Download and read the first chapter of Primal.