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SNEAK PEEK: More Jesus, Less Religion


Find the Freedom of Authentic Faith

Download and read the first chapter of More Jesus, Less Religion by Stephen Artberburn and Jack Felton

Over a decade ago, best-selling authors Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton exposed the dangers of what they called “toxic faith,” helping countless believers to discern between religion and relationship and overcome their spiritual baggage…. [read more]

Download and read the first chapter of More Jesus, Less Religion by Stephen Artberburn and Jack Felton

SNEAK PEEK: Every Young Man’s Battle

Download the first chapter of Every Young Mans Battle

You’re surrounded by sex constantly–in movies, on TV, video games, music, the Internet. Is it any wonder that it feels impossible to stay sexually pure?
How do men survive the relentless battle against the onslaught of lust?
With powerful ammunition.

Download the first chapter of Every Young Mans Battle