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SNEAK PEEK: Gone South by Meg Moseley

The charm of the South drew her back to her family’s roots. But when the town’s old resentments turn the sweet tea bitter, can Tish find a welcome anywhere?

Click here to download chapter one of Gone South.

Leaving frosty Michigan for the Deep South was never a blip in the simple plans Tish McComb imagined for her life, dreams of marriage and family that were dashed five years earlier in a tragic accident. Now an opportunity to buy her great-great-great-grandparents’ Civil War era home beckons Tish to Noble, Alabama, a Southern town in every sense of the word. She wonders if God has given her a new dream— the old house filled with friends, her vintage percolator [ … ]

The First Wave of Summer Reading!

Can’t you just feel the beach/vacation reading coming on? We’ve got a little bit of everything, written by some pretty fantastic authors, if we do say so ourselves. 🙂

Not sure what to get? Not to worry–check out the first chapter excerpt to help you decide. And don’t forget that you can also order them as eBooks for your eReader and schlep them along with you on vacation! Now, isn’t that handy?

What others are saying:“Heitzmann does a great job of weaving the back stories and too-present realities of each character into a unified tapestry of regret, hope, and redemption.”


ARTICLE: Getting to know debut author, Meg Moseley

Do you ever have a hard time finding new authors to read?

Maybe you do. Or mabye you don’t. But either way, we think you should give debut author, Meg Moseley, a chance. 🙂

Get to know more about Meg
Learn more about When Sparrows Fall
Read an excerpt of this book now!

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SNEAK PEEK: When Sparrows Fall by Meg Moseley

Freedom. Safety. Love. Miranda vows to reclaim them–for herself, and for her children.

Click here to download chapter one of When Sparrows Fall.

Miranda longs to make a new life for her children—and perhaps rediscover love—but a secret from her past threatens to keep her trapped forever.

Click here to download chapter one of When Sparrows Fall.