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SNEAK PEEK: hand in Hand by Randy Alcorn

If God is sovereign, how can I be free to choose?
But if God is not sovereign, how can he be God?

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.

In hand in Hand, Randy Alcorn says that the traditional approach to this debate has often diminished our trust in God and his purposes. Instead of making a one-sided argument from select verses, Alcorn examines the question in light of all Scripture. By exploring what the whole Bible says about divine sovereignty and human choice, hand in Hand helps us…

Click here to download chapter one of hand in Hand.


SNEAK PEEK: IF GOD IS GOOD (Trade Paperback) by Randy Alcorn

Read the first chapter of If God Is Good.

Suffering is, in the end, God’s invitation to trust him.

 Every one of us will experience suffering. You may be in such a time now. We see the presence of evil in the headlines every day.  It all raises questions about God—Why would an all-good and all-powerful God create a world full of evil and suffering? How can there be a God if suffering and evil exist?