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Release and Follow Him

“Do you ever find yourself clinging to the pencil, refusing to let God write on the pages of your life? I’ve discovered that the Lord is infinitely kind and patient in His dealings with us. He will show us how to relinquish our rights for His best. If you’re struggling in this area, maybe these steps will help you:

  1. Ask God to make you willing. Sometimes this is the necessary first step. If you just can’t muster up the willingness to surrender control to God, then pray first for a change of attitude, asking for a willingness to be willing.
  2. Recognize you have an adversary. The last thing Satan wants is for you to totally surrender your life to God. Pray for the wisdom and strength not to listen to his lies. Then pick up “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17) and battle those lies with truth.
  3. Let go, one piece at a time. Sometimes we cling to control because we fear we’ll be asked to make drastic changes we’re not ready for. But God, in His kindness, takes us at a pace we can handle. If we will obey what He asks of us at the moment, He’ll lead us to the next step when we need to take it.”

Excerpted from At the Feet of Jesus by Joanna Weaver

Daily Reflection:
How can you grow as a child of God by releasing control and following GodÂ’s path this year?

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