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Search Results for: sneak peek

SNEAK PEEK: SAFFIRE by Sigmund Brouwer

Click Here to download the first chapter of SAFFIRE by Sigmund Brouwer

About Saffire by Sigmund Brouwer

I reminded myself that once you start to defend someone, it’s difficult to find a place to stop. But I went ahead and took that first step anyway. . .

For President Teddy Roosevelt, controlling the east-west passage between two oceans mattered so much that he orchestrated a revolution to control it. His command was to ‘let the dirt fly’ and for years, the American Zone of the Panama Canal mesmerized the world, working in uneasy co-existence with the Panamanian aristocrats.
It’s in this buffered Zone where, in 1909, James Holt takes that first step to protect a mulatto girl named Saffire, expecting a short and simple search for her mother. Instead it draws him away from safety, into a land haunted by [ … ]


Click Here to download the first chapter of More by Greg Hawkins

About Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere

These people rise up like a lioness;
like a majestic lion they stand.
—Numbers 23:24

The lioness rises from her slumber, a magnificent image of strength, passion, and beauty. Her mere presence commands the landscape, protects her young, and empowers the lion. In groups, lionesses become a creative and strategic force to be reckoned with, acting as one to change the world around them.

You too are a lioness.

Women, it’s time to…
God did not save you to tame you.
to a life of fierce passion.
To dangerous prayer, stunning power, and teamed purpose.
Your response could very well change your world.

Packed with remarkable insights from [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: MORE by Greg Hawkins

Click Here to download the first chapter of More by Greg Hawkins

About More by Greg Hawkins

We start out with hearts brimming with hope and excitement. And that energy carries us for awhile, maybe even years. But one day we suddenly find ourselves like the man in the Prodigal Son story: half-dead, going through the dreaded motions hoping no one around us notices. But they do. It’s not that we’ve stopped loving God, but it’s just that things have happened along the way that have caused us to settle for a small life, one defined primarily by activity for God. We look around and sigh: It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

Author Greg Hawkins knows that reality first-hand. He also knows there is something beyond that reality if we have the courage to step out and hope [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: The Gift for All People by Max Lucado

Click Here to download the first chapter of The Gift for All People by Max Lucado

About The Gift for All People by Max Lucado

A New View on the Old Rugged Cross

Are peace, joy, and significance on your wish list?  How about redemption, forgiveness, the salvation of your soul?  Each of these descriptors bring us to the main event:  grace.  Saving grace, God’s immeasurable gift intended for all.  Regardless of accomplishments or station in life, despite sins of the past, anyone can receive the free gift of grace.
Yet too often we take God’s incomparable gift for granted—despite the fact that God’s very Son paid for it with his body, breath, and blood. Understandably, we often find ourselves caught up in the daily routine of life, not taking time to reflect on the enormity of God’s [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Hiding in the Light.

“After four years of hiding my faith from my family, I knew that it was time. I wrote with shaky hands, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I refuse to deny him….’ There was no turning back now. I had to get out of that house if I wanted to live. Was this worth risking everything for? Yes.”

Rifqa Bary grew up in a devout Muslim home, obediently following her parents’ orders to practice the rituals of Islam. But God was calling her to freedom and love. He was calling her to true faith. He was calling her to give up everything.

Leaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined but gave more than she could have dreamed.

Hiding in the Light is the story of [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: DO HARD THINGS by Alex Harris & Brett Harris

Read the first chapter of Do Hard Things.

About Do Hard Things by Alex Harris & Brett Harris

Most people don’t expect you to understand what we’re going to tell you in this book. And even if you understand, they don’t expect you to care. And even if you care, they don’t expect you to do anything about it. And even if you do something about it, they don’t expect it to last. We do. – Alex and Brett

A generation stands on the brink of a “rebelution”

Do Hard Things is the Harris twins’ revolutionary message in its purest and most compelling form, giving readers a tangible glimpse of what is possible for teens who actively resist cultural lies that limit their potential.

Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, the authors weave together biblical [ … ]


Click Here to download the first chapter of The Joy of Fearing God by Jerry Bridges

About The Joy of Fearing God by Jerry Bridges

What Kind of Relationship Can You Have with Someone You Fear?

For most of us, fear is something we try to avoid. And fearing God hardly sounds like an occasion for joy. But Jerry Bridges shows how the fear of the Lord is actually the key that opens the door to a life of true knowledge, wisdom, blessing, and joy.

We all want a deeper, more intimate relationship with God–one that’s characterized by joy. But how does fearing God lead to joy? After all, aren’t we supposed to love Him and live in intimate relationship with Him? Jerry Bridges explores this paradox as he unpacks the biblical promise that God delights in those who fear Him. Join [ … ]


Click Here to download the first chapter of Taste and See by John Piper

About Taste and See by John Piper

A Devotional Powerhouse!

This revision of the follow-up to the popular A Godward Life adds twenty fresh entries to the original 120 daily meditations that are solid meat and sweet milk from God’s Word. The new entries broach current and controversial subject matter, such as partial-birth abortion and gay marriage. Piper asks the hardest questions and finds wonderfully poignant but practical and applicable truths from the Bible. These 350 pages of substantive spiritual nourishment will brace readers’ minds with truth and nourish their hearts with God’s sovereign grace. Pastors and lay leaders particularly will appreciate the three indexes included. They don’t need to look any further to find a pertinent illustration or tidbit of inspiration!

Expanded Edition of the Popular [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: God Bless America

Click Here to download sample pages from the God Bless America coloring book! 

Enter the pages of this adult coloring book and you will find a peaceful way to reflect on what makes America a truly amazing country: our values of equality, opportunity, faith, family, character, generosity, justice, and perseverance. Each coloring page features an original design from one of nine different artists, illustrating an inspirational quote from one of the Founding Fathers, an historic document, a patriotic hymn, or another of America’s heroes.

SNEAK PEEK: Empty Arms by Pam Vredevelt

Click Here to download the first chapter of Empty Arms by Pam Vredevelt

About Empty Arms by Pam Vredevelt

“I’m not picking up a heartbeat.” These are the most dreaded words an expectant mother can hear. As joy and anticipation dissolve into confusion and grief, questions refuse to go away: Why me? Did I do something wrong? How will this affect my ability to have a family? What do I say to my children without scaring them? With the warmth and compassion of a Licensed Professional Counselor and writing as a mother who has lost a baby and a sixteen-year-old son, Pam Vredevelt offers sound answers and advice. As an expert in love and loss, Pam gives reassuring comfort to any woman fighting to maintain stability and faith in the midst of devastating heartbreak. Empty Arms: Hope and Support [ … ]