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The Way Things Ought To Be

The bottom line is that the Christian has a calling and a responsibility to think, work, and live in terms of how the world ought to be in contrast to reacting to how it really is. Christians who engage the world—like the many stories I’ve shared and the many more I could have—are consumed by this “way things ought to be” mind-set. They eat, drink, and breathe restoration. They see injustice and fight it. When confronted with evil they turn it for good. They are motivated to bring the love of Christ into every broken system they encounter. Instead of being cynical and hopeless, they bring optimism and expectation. For them, the entire world has been flipped on its head. Their focus has moved from self to others; from problems to solutions; from failure to redemption; from brokenness to restoration. [ … ]

A Cycle of Grace

… thinking about something, making a commitment to change, failing in the commitment, making a new commitment to change, failing again … On and on the cycle goes. Fortunately for all of us, God is very, very patient. He will continue calling to us, He will shout when He must, and He will always welcome us back with loving, nonjudgmental arms.

Excerpted from To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal, MD

Daily Reflection:

How have you experienced the cycle of God’s grace and unending love?

God Knows You Intimately

I know everything about you. From far away I know what you’re thinking. I’m up-to-date on the details of your life. I’m right beside you—wherever you go. My powerful hands tend to the intricate details of your life. I was there when you were put together. I prepared each day of your life before you were born. I think about you all the time. And I’m ready to lead you to eternal life.
From Psalm 139

WARRANTY NOTES: The One who knows you best loves you most.

Excerpted from God’s Little Book of Guarantees – OH by Heather Kopp

Daily Reflection:

God knows you better than anyone. How does your knowledge of that fact affect the way you live your daily life?

The Words of Christ

Think about getting to know the God who created the universe. What would it be like to know Him on a first-name basis—or, even better, to know Him so intimately that you could call Him your best friend, even your dad? Imagine what it would be like if you could consistently experience His presence and a level of peace and joy that no adversity could vanquish. That’s exactly what will happen as you begin to focus on the words of Christ.

Excerpted fromThe Greatest Words Ever Spoken by Steven K. Scott

Daily Reflection:

How has knowing Jesus and studying His words helped your relationship with God the Creator grow?

Under Orders

If I fail to live as I’m instructed, I undermine my own credibility to remind or teach my family to live as they’re instructed. How can I credibly teach others to obey God if I don’t? You and I need to make sure we are obeying as well, and that we are providing a climate where obedience can flourish.

Such a climate begins with our own respect for and adherence to Scripture. We cannot take our cues from our culture. We must return to drink deeply from the headwaters. Christian thought springs directly from the nature of God and its revelation in His Word. Every major tenant of our faith is a matter of revelation not explanation. Each is a mystery to be learned no way other than by revelation. We know what we know by taking Him at [ … ]

NEWS: Kelley Brown Featured on The 700 Club

Kelley Brown interviewed on The 700 Club on May 30. To see Kelley speak about Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown, go here. And to see Eric Blehm and the Brown family’s appearance on “Huckabee” on the Fox News Channel, follow the links below:

SNEAK PEEK: Key Principles of Biblical Fasting by Kay Arthur and Pete De Lacy

Discover the Purpose and Power of Fasting.

Click here to download an excerpt from Key Principles of Biblical Fasting now.

Do you desire to feel God’s presence, hear His voice, sense His pleasure?

Since ancient times, fasting has been considered an essential means of drawing near to God. But this spiritual discipline involves much more than abstaining from food; it goes right to the heart of genuine faith. Through this invigorating study, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the principles behind this practice and be equipped to make fasting a key part of your relationship with God.

Click here to download an excerpt from Key Principles of Biblical Fasting now.

SNEAK PEEK: A Life God Rewards Bible Study by Bruce Wilkinson

Are you looking at eternity through a keyhole?

Click here to download an excerpt from A Life God Rewards Bible Study

Discover that Jesus revealed a direct link between what you do today and what you will experience after you die. Astoundingly, the majority of spiritual seekers around the world—including millions who follow Jesus—seem to have missed what He said. Could you be one? If so, your picture of the future is missing about a billion stars

This Bible study is a lot more exciting than getting a paycheck and benefits…and infinitely more important. After all, you’re not planning for a lifetime — you’re investing in forever. And God wants it to be great for you! Through these four weeks of insightful group [ … ]

Share Radical

Share the Radical message.

Share the book that has prompted millions of believers to reevaluate how they respond to the gospel – on us. Just complete the form below. While supplies last, one request per person and address, U.S. addresses only. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

About Radical: Introductory booklets make it easy to share the core message of Radical and Radical Together with friends and [ … ]