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Pleasing God in Heaven

“The Christians living in Philippi had given gifts of money, which Paul described as ‘a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God’ (Philippians 4:18). Another translation gives us this perspective on the gifts: ‘[They are the] fragrant odor of an offering and sacrifice which God welcomes and in which He delights’ (amp).

Our gifts today can do a lot of good. They can feed the hungry, heal the sick, encourage the brokenhearted, and spread the good news. But most importantly, they can please God in heaven, connecting His children to Him.
Think about that.”

Excerpted from Plastic Donuts by Jeff Anderson

Daily Reflection: Are you giving to simply do good or do you give to offer a pleasing sacrifice to God as well?

Taking Flight with a “Yes”

“Neither of us knew quite what to think, but we exited the car, stood with our arms and faces raised toward the heavens, and sang. It was pretty amazing, especially for a couple of conservative Sisterchicks like us. I don’t even remember what we sang. What I do remember is that something in our spirits took flight that August morning in the moss-scented forest. We were willing to take a risk. Try something new. Trust God in a new way.”

Excerpted from Take Flight! by Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan

Daily Reflection: How can you show your trust in God today?

Love Like I Couldn’t Describe

“‘You don’t really believe God saves tears, do you?’

‘I think he counts them.’

‘Why would he do that?’

‘That’s when he’s the most attentive.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘He hangs out around human suffering.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Look at where Jesus went. Where there was pain, there was Jesus.’

‘But you’re Jewish.’

‘Just on my mother’s side.’

‘Then he must be at the hospital a lot. You think he’s here beside Bender?’

‘Of course.’

‘Do you ever feel him?’ she asked.

‘I started out just talking to him, like he’s a regular guy. With due respect, he’s, well, God and all that. But then one day, he was just there.’

‘Did he say anything?’

‘Not out loud. But I felt him with me, like he was there listening to me.’

‘What was he like?’

‘Love like I [ … ]

Using Your Dash

“Looking at old tombstones, I can’t help but recognize that entire lives are now reduced before me to two dates and one little dash…

When you think about it, we don’t have control over many things in life. We didn’t get to decide where we were born, who our parents are, or which time period and culture we face. We don’t get to decide the dates on our gravestone. We don’t know when our time on this earth will be up. It could be next week or next year or decades away. Only God knows. Our lives are in His hands. But there is one thing we have a vast amount of control over. We get to decide how we’re going to use our dash…

The psalmist prayed, “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; [ … ]

Becoming like Him

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!…Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled.… Do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’… Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality. (1 Corinthians 10:12; 1 Peter 1:13-16; Ephesians 5:3)

Paul understood our very human tendency to live in denial, closing our eyes to the things in our lives that may need to change. Change is hard work, and we would rather stay as we are. But this is not how God has called us to live. He wants to help us control our minds and our desires so [ … ]

Turning Your Down into Up

You Can Hope Again

If you feel you will never get out of depression, Dr. Gregg Jantz has one word for you: hope. Gregg believes that since every person’s path into depression is unique, every path out will be unique as well. And healing is possible.

Turning Your Down into Up will help you:Jant_9780307732101_cvr_all_r1.indd

  • Determine whether you are depressed
  • Understand why you can’t “just snap out of it”
  • Decide whether medication might be a good option for you
  • See the link between depression and overdependence on social media
  • Understand how family dynamics affect you
  • Be encouraged that you can find healing

This practical book includes a three-month personal recovery plan that focuses [ … ]

A Whisper from the Waves

“‘Mom, did I tell you about this shell yet?’ Her tone made it clear she was sharing a special secret. “I had asked God for a word that would represent my spiritual journey this semester. As I was walking on the beach, I looked out at the ocean and remembered living in Hawaii. Then I heard the calming command I used to hear God giving to the waves. But you know what, Mom? This time it was different.”

I leaned in, eager to hear what Rachel would say.

‘There was a new line at the end of the command. What surprised me was that the new line fit so perfectly.’

‘What was it?’

…Listen to Me.’”

Excerpted from Take Flight! by Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan

Daily [ … ]

Seeking to Follow, Not be Followed

“Jesus Christ—the youngest minichurch pastor in history…

Whenever the crowd got big, he’d say something such as, ‘Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.’ Not exactly the sharpest church-growth tactic. I can almost picture the looks on the disciples’ faces. ‘No, not the drink-my-blood speech! We’ll never get on the list of the fastest growing movements if you keep asking them to eat you.’

By the end of that speech, all the crowds had left, and only twelve men remained. Jesus apparently wasn’t interested in marketing himself to the masses. His invitations to potential followers were clearly more costly than the crowds were ready to accept, and he seemed to be okay with that. He focused instead on the few who believed him when he said radical [ … ]

Like a Treasure Buried

“Jesus’ kingdom invites us to immerse ourselves in the whole gospel He came to preach. We get to listen and consider and think through the staggering possibilities of kingdom living as Jesus taught it. The practical promise of our faith journey together is this: as we live in fidelity to Christ the King, His in-breaking reign will have a transformational effect on us, our communities, and our world. Anything less is not what Jesus came to earth to tell.

In a mysterious yet absolutely real way, the kingdom of Jesus is here now and in power. Like gravity or high-frequency radio waves, this kingdom doesn’t require our attention or consent in order to exist. It just is. Still, I think you’ll find that we have to learn—and deeply want—to see and imagine in new ways. Otherwise we’ll miss it. So [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Woodlands

sneak-peak_1852Leah’s life was almost perfect. Almost.

This Christmas, experience learning to trust alongside the Plain folk of Apple Ridge, Pennsylvania in this heart-warming tale of second chances. – See more at:
Gideon O’Riley has been given another chance at a life with Lonnie. But will the fight for her heart risk it all over again? – See more at: or Bust!

Click here to download chapter one of Woodlands.

Leah Hudson is “Auntie Leah” to almost every child in Glenbrooke, Oregon. One of the only single women left in her circle of friends, Leah takes enjoyment from the life she’s built [ … ]