NetGalley Instructions
If you already have an account on you can click on the book link provided, select Send to Kindle (or your eReader/device) and start reading!
If you don’t have a Netgalley account, there’s a 3-part process for accessing the book.
1. Create an account on NetGalley
2. Add your Kindle’s email address to your profile on NetGalley (You can download the Kindle app for free to any phone or device).
3. Add NetGalley as an Approved Sender on Amazon
Detailed Instructions: Creating a Net Galley Member/Reader account
1. Go to
2. Scroll down and click orange “Become a Member” button
3. Choose “Register as a Member/Reader” at top of form, then fill in your information and click the “Register” button at the bottom of the form.
4. You will then receive a confirmation email from Net Galley. Follow the instructions in the email.
5. When you return to the Net Galley website after clicking the link in the confirmation email, you’ll be given an option to customize your profile. You don’t have to fill in all the sections, but you will want to add your device email address if you are using a Kindle device or the Kindle app.
6. To add your Kindle email address, click on the “Reading Preferences” tab in the left sidebar. Click “ADD” (in brackets after the last sentence in the text).
7. Add your Kindle device/app email address and save. See below for instructions on how to find your Kindle’s email address.
To find your Kindle email address:
- Open your Kindle app or device
- Go to Settings
- Look for the Send-to-Kindle Email Address
To find your Kindle email address on Amazon:
- Go to your Amazon Account
- Click “Your Content and Devices”
- Click “Settings” at the top of the page
- Click “Personal Document Settings” – A drop-down menu of your devices will appear. If you have more than one device, choose the one where you want your Net Galley books sent.
Copy and paste the email address assigned to that device to your Net Galley Reading Preferences
8. Add NetGalley as an Approved Sender
- Log in to Amazon
- Go to Your Account
- Select Your devices and content
- Select Change your digital and device settings
- Select the orange Personal Document Settings
- Scroll down to Approved Personal Document E-mail List
- Select the blue letters Add a new approved e-mail address
- Add
9. After completing these steps come back here and click on the book link, then look for the Kindle icon and click Send to Kindle.
10. Refresh your Kindle.