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God’s Gifts

Two months earlier I’d broken up with Bob Gresh. Even so, I was driving his white Toyota Supra to run an errand. Although I could have borrowed a car from any number of other students on campus, I’d asked Bob because I was still manipulating my interactions with him, trying to find ways to stay connected to the very guy I’d walked away from.

“God, what’s wrong with me?” I muttered under my breath. My eyes caught the cool blue moon illuminating the freshly cut cornfield. I pulled the car over to the side of the road to think.

I laid my head back against the soft, maroon headrest and turned the car off. I quieted my mind to pray…but it stayed focused on the boy. His sports car. Our friendship. Treasured conversations. Memories of our dates.

I’d thought he was the one.

And yet I hadn’t been truly satisfied by our relationship. Oh, I was consumed by it, planned every detail of my life around it, and behaved with excessive manipulation if ever I felt distance might be growing between us! But there remained within me a longing that wasn’t quieted in even our most intimate friendship. As perfect for me as he was, he wasn’t enough.

Why, Lord? I’d prayed. Why can I not find joy in these gifts You’ve given to me?

From deep within, I felt His answer: Dannah, to you, My gifts are still bigger than I am.

Excerpted from Get Lost by Dannah Gresh

Daily Reflection: Does your mindset reflect a belief that God’s gifts are bigger than He is?

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