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You Never Know Who is Watching

“He shrugged. ‘I watched you a lot. I was attracted to you the first time I saw you. But one of the first things I noticed about you was how you treated people. You were kind to old people. You took the time to talk to those who seemed lonely. You were patient with those who were needy. More than once I saw you put your tip in that bottle for the orphanage at the front counter.’

Ainsley frowned. ‘But I never talked to you.’

“I know. But when I saw you doing all those things, in a way, you did. You weren’t doing it for attention, but that’s where I saw your heart. In what you did, not what you said. You lived out your faith instead of talking about it. And I knew, deep in my heart, [ … ]

Choosing an Outlook

One night, when tempted to wallow in my misery, I wrote these words in a sporadic diary:

Lately God seems to be filling my pool an inch deeper than I am tall. But I’ve made a startling discovery while treading water: This storm raging across my bow has the power to push me out of the pool and into uncharted territory. It can strip away my comfort, ground my best-laid plans, and capsize my flimsy little boat. But it does not have the power to capsize me. The Rock I am clinging to does not shift when the winds blow. And, thank God, I’m still able to choose my outlook. My outlook can determine whether this experience is painful or profitable. My attitude can help me see that my problem isn’t really the problem. It’s the way I look at [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: How Nick Vujicic Met His Wife

Click here to read Chapter 3 of Nick Vujicic’s book Unstoppable.

There were times in his life when Nick Vujicic – author, motivational speaker, and the director of the nonprofit organization, Life Without Limbs – thought he would never have a wife. But on February 12, 2012 he married the woman of his dreams, Kanae.  In chapter 3 of his book Unstoppable, Nick shares the details of how he and Kanae met and fell in love, as well as encouragement and advice for anyone discouraged by love.

Read Chapter 3 of Unstoppable here.


Despite the impact and magnitude of the bin Laden mission, Adam’s story stands on its own. Throughout his life he inspired scores of people, and his story has continued to change the lives of many—including mine. He’s reminded me to appreciate every moment with my family, to be goofy rather than grumpy, to get back up no matter how hard I might get slapped down, to sometimes buy my children a cupcake when I pick up coffee in the morning but to call it a muffin “because,” as Adam would tell Savannah, “as long as you call them muffins, they’re okay to eat for breakfast.” And though I hadn’t opened a Bible in more than twenty-five years, his faith encouraged me to question my own questioning about religion.

Excerpted from Fearless by Eric Blehm

Daily Reflection:

This and more is [ … ]

NEWS: The Fourth Fisherman called “Inspiring”

The Fourth Fisherman, released March 13, has been called “inspiring” by two women bloggers. Susan Stabile writes: “This is a book you will pick up and not want to put down until you are finished with it. The writing is good, the story is compelling and the hand of God is evident throughout.” Laura, a homeschooling mother, writes: “Overall, this non-fiction selection provides inspiration for those who are in need of God’s abundant Grace, even if they do not know it yet.  Or, like me, you might find it reaffirming what you already know and maybe have begun to act upon.”