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Oregon Bakers Featured in Forthcoming Tony Perkins’ Book “No Fear”

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (July 7, 2015)–With the recent Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex marriage, the battle for religious liberty has become more intense in our country. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, a passionate defender of religious liberty, has written the forthcoming book No Fear: Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth (WaterBrook Press, September 8, 2015), which includes 11 remarkable stories of Christians standing for truth in the face of great opposition.

One such story is that of Aaron and Melissa Klein, the Oregon bakers who made national headlines for declining to make a same-sex wedding cake. The Oregon Labor Commissioner recently upheld the $135,000 fine levied against the Kleins and also issued a gag order so the Kleins would not communicate their religious convictions surrounding the case.  

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SNEAK PEEK – No Fear by Tony Perkins

This book heralds a new generation of Christians who are more than bold…they are fearless!

Click here to download chapter one of  No Fear.


No Fear draws you inside the stories of young, ordinary believers who, despite incredible opposition, courageously stood up for God’s truth. Tony Perkins pairs each story with a biblical example, and gives practical ideas for building a “no fear” perspective every day.


Today, followers of Jesus Christ face more opposition to their beliefs than any generation in American history. Yet even in such a hostile cultural and political environment, it is an exciting time to stand firm in the faith. 


You have been chosen to live in this important hour and reading these stories will inspire you to the same kind of courage.  So what are you waiting for?  


SNEAK PEEK – It’s Good to be Queen by Liz Curtis Higgs

Sheba Journeyed Across the Desert with a Caravan of Riches,  then Discovered the Greatest Treasure of All.  So Can You.

Click here to download chapter one of  It’s Good to Be Queen


When it comes to famous queens of the Bible, we know the good one, Queen Esther, and the bad one, Queen Jezebel. Now meet the wise one, the queen of Sheba, who traveled to Jerusalem to test the mind and heart of a king.

 Her journey will surprise you, challenge you, inspire you, change you. This wealthy royal from antiquity will show you how to live boldly, seek after truth, ask the right questions, encourage others, receive graciously, and honor the Lord above all.

 Shedding new light on this ancient biblical role model, Liz Curtis Higgs unveils timeless wisdom for all who [ … ]

Meet Nick Vujicic

Imagine getting through your busy day without hands or feet. Picture your life without the ability to walk, care for your basic needs, or even embrace those you love. Meet Nick Vujicic. Without any medical explanation or warning, Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without arms and legs. Three sonograms failed to reveal complications. And yet, the Vujicic family was destined to cope with both the challenge and blessing of raising a son who refused to allow his physical condition to limit his lifestyle.
Since his first speaking engagement at age 19, Nick has traveled around the world, sharing his story with millions, sometimes in stadiums filled to capacity, speaking to a range of diverse groups such as students, teachers, young people, business professionals and church congregations of all sizes. Today he’s an author, musician, actor, and [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – Through a Man’s Eyes by Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross

What Happens When Women See What Men See?

Click here to download chapter one of  Through a Man’s Eyes.

You already know that your husband, boyfriend, or son is wired differently from you, but do you know what that really means? It means, among other things, that he’s been given the gift of a unique visual wiring—and the challenges that come with it.

In Through a Man’s Eyes, Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross team up to help open our eyes to something we are often blind to. They address questions like:

  • “Why are guys so visual—and what does that mean, anyway?”
  • “How do I help my son navigate this sex-crazed culture?”
  • “How dare someone tell a woman to watch what she wears! Isn’t it a man’s responsibility not to look?”
  • “If he’s tempted by visual [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – The One by Ryan and Amanda Leak

If you’re looking for average, go ahead and put down this book. No hard feelings.

Click here to download chapter one of  The One.

Most people will admit that they are looking for an amazing love story. We’ve all seen those couples, the ones holding hands or whispering to each other as they stare into one another’s eyes as if they share an awesome secret. We watch them and wonder, what’s up with those two?

We never anticipated becoming one of “those couples.” When we met, we just worked on listening to God and preparing ourselves for the story he planned for us. What we learned and want to share is that no matter what your relationship status may be, this amazing story begins with you.

In this book we share more than the events [ … ]


“After four years of hiding my faith from my family, I knew that it was time. I wrote with shaky hands, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I refuse to deny him….’ There was no turning back now. I had to get out of that house if I wanted to live. Was this worth risking everything for? Yes.”

Read the first chapter of Hiding in the Light.

 Rifqa Bary grew up in a devout Muslim home, obediently following her parents’ orders to practice the rituals of Islam. But God was calling her to freedom and love. He was calling her to true faith. He was calling her to give up everything.

 Leaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined

but gave more than she could have dreamed.

 Hiding in the [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – Reservations for Two by Hillary Manton Lodge

A culinary concoction of taking chances and finding love in the most delectable places

Click here to download chapter one of  Reservations for Two.

 Food writer-turned-restaurateur Juliette D’Alisa has more than enough on her plate. While her trip to Provence might have unlocked new answers to her grandmother’s past, it’s also provided new complications in the form of Neil McLaren, the man she can’t give up.

 Juliette and Neil find romance simple as they travel through Provence and Tuscany together, but life back home presents a different set of challenges. Juliette has a restaurant to open, a mother combating serious illness, and a family legacy of secrets to untangle – how does Neil, living so far away in Memphis, fit into to her life?

 As she confronts an uncertain future, Juliette can’t help [ … ]