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Is It Possible?

Read the first chapter of Can You Keep Your Faith in College?.

You’re not alone in the struggle to maintain the faith you carried with you when you first set foot on campus. This book targets pertinent issues including, “The Transition,” academics, dorm life, peer pressure, extracurricular activities, sports, Greek life, dating, studying abroad, racial relations, and “God’s Surprise Encounters.” Don’t let your faith whittle away; build it up! It’s what defines you.

SPOTLIGHT: Soar by Kenny Luck

Discover the thrilling freedom of living in God’s power

Click here to download chapter one of Soar.

Soar teaches men how to disengage from the destructive forces of self-sufficiency and instead trust in the power of the Holy Spirit so they can experience gravity-defying freedom and a richer life in Christ.

Click here to download chapter one of Soar.

SNEAK PEEK: TwentySomeone by Craig Dunham and Doug Serven

Live Strategically

 Click here to download chapter one of TwentySomeone.

 The decade of your twenties is full of important, stressful, maddening questions: What will I do? Who will I love? Where will I live? But maybe there’s a bigger question: Who am I? The fact is, the period of time between your teens and thirties will shape a lot of your character, your calling, and your view of the world.

Authors Craig Dunham and Doug Serven (recent graduates of their twenties) explain that the difference between a twentysomething and TwentySomeone has to do with the questions we ask. Instead of asking, “What will I do?” twentysomeones need to ask “Who am I?”–the real question [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Little Star by Anthony DeStefano

The smallest star in the heavens understands the King’s message. And that message is love.

Click here to download the first chapter of Little Star now.

The smallest, loneliest star in the sky is the only one to understand what Jesus’ birth means. But what can he do to tell the world? A touching Christmas tale for all ages.

SNEAK PEEK: Mercy Come Morning by Lisa Tawn Bergren

There are no second chances. Or are there?

Click here to download chapter one of Mercy Come Morning.

Krista has long since quit caring about her cold, distant mother, but at her mother’s deathbed, revelations about the past—including Krista’s first love—open the possibility of forgiveness and a new relationship.

Click here to download chapter one of Mercy Come Morning.

SNEAK PEEK: Restless in Carolina by Tamara Leigh

She’s all about going green. Could he be her white knight—or will he make her see red?

Click here to download chapter one of Restless in Carolina.

Bridget’s on a mission…find an eco-friendly developer to buy her family’s estate, saving her family from financial ruin while holding onto her green values. But when she finds someone to fit the bill will she get all that she bargained for?

Click here to download chapter one of Restless in Carolina.

SNEAK PEEK: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

An invitation for every woman who’s ever felt she isn’t godly enough, isn’t loving enough, isn’t doing enough.

Click here to download chapter one of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World is a reminder to women today that they’re not much different from those in the Jesus’ time. Drawing on the Biblical story of Mary of Bethany and her sister Martha, Weaver suggests that the troubles of balancing spending time with God and meeting the high-demands of a busy life is an age-old problem. Offering fresh Bible study, lively anecdotes, meaningful illustrations, and creative, practical strategies, readers will learn to first spend quality time with God, then—after being filled—to reach [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: Day with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory

What if a stranger knew you better than you know yourself?

Click here to download chapter one of Day with a Perfect Stranger.

Aboard a plane, Mattie is relieved to find herself seated next to a passenger who shares her scorn for religion. After she confides her husband’s unexpected religious turn, their conversation soon leads to a fascinating exploration of spirituality, God, and the quest for meaningful connection.

Click here to download chapter one of Day with a Perfect Stranger.

SNEAK PEEK: Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory

You are Invited to a Dinner with Jesus of Nazareth

Click here to download chapter one of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger.

The normally confident, cynical Nick soon finds himself thrown off-balance, drawn into an intriguing conversation with a baffling man who comfortably discusses everything from world religions to the existence of heaven and hell. And this man who calls himself Jesus also seems to know a disturbing amount about Nick’s personal life.

Click here to download chapter one of Dinner with a Perfect Stranger.