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SEAK PEEK – Nine Thoughts that can Change Your Marriage by Sheila Wray Gregoire

Is what you believe about marriage getting in the way of a GREAT relationship?

Click here to download chapter one of  Nine Thoughts that can Change your Marriage.

When you’ve put into practice all the usual advice, but your marriage still falls short of the intimacy and joy you want, what then? Are patience and perseverance your only hope for a better relationship?

Author and speaker Sheila Wray Gregoire says, “Absolutely not!” The solution to a happier relationship is not found in being a more patient, more perfect wife, but in taking responsibility for what you can do—and especially for how you think about your marriage. She challenges you to replace pat Christian answers with nine biblical truths that will radically shift your perspective on your husband, your relationship, and [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – Through a Man’s Eyes by Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross

What Happens When Women See What Men See?

Click here to download chapter one of  Through a Man’s Eyes.

You already know that your husband, boyfriend, or son is wired differently from you, but do you know what that really means? It means, among other things, that he’s been given the gift of a unique visual wiring—and the challenges that come with it.

In Through a Man’s Eyes, Shaunti Feldhahn and Craig Gross team up to help open our eyes to something we are often blind to. They address questions like:

  • “Why are guys so visual—and what does that mean, anyway?”
  • “How do I help my son navigate this sex-crazed culture?”
  • “How dare someone tell a woman to watch what she wears! Isn’t it a man’s responsibility not to look?”
  • “If he’s tempted by visual [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – The One by Ryan and Amanda Leak

If you’re looking for average, go ahead and put down this book. No hard feelings.

Click here to download chapter one of  The One.

Most people will admit that they are looking for an amazing love story. We’ve all seen those couples, the ones holding hands or whispering to each other as they stare into one another’s eyes as if they share an awesome secret. We watch them and wonder, what’s up with those two?

We never anticipated becoming one of “those couples.” When we met, we just worked on listening to God and preparing ourselves for the story he planned for us. What we learned and want to share is that no matter what your relationship status may be, this amazing story begins with you.

In this book we share more than the events [ … ]


“After four years of hiding my faith from my family, I knew that it was time. I wrote with shaky hands, ‘Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I refuse to deny him….’ There was no turning back now. I had to get out of that house if I wanted to live. Was this worth risking everything for? Yes.”

Read the first chapter of Hiding in the Light.

 Rifqa Bary grew up in a devout Muslim home, obediently following her parents’ orders to practice the rituals of Islam. But God was calling her to freedom and love. He was calling her to true faith. He was calling her to give up everything.

 Leaving Islam for Christianity cost her more than she imagined

but gave more than she could have dreamed.

 Hiding in the [ … ]


The Raid that Rescued Us.  The Mission that Defines Our Lives.

 Click here to download chapter one of  Jesus Was an Airborne Ranger.

You are trapped behind enemy lines. You feel it every day. Powerful forces want to destroy you and those you love. Completely surrounded, you see no means to escape.

Sadly, the Jesus we often hear about in church or on the radio is far too timid to help—more like a daytime talk show host than a dangerous Rescuer.

Who would follow—much less risk everything for—such a leader?

Get ready to see Jesus like you’ve never seen him before—a battle-scarred Combatant who stared death in the face and won. This is no Sunday-school Jesus, meek and mild. This is the Warrior Christ [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – I’m Happy For You(Sort of… Not Really) by Kay Wills Wyma

Is comparison-living hijacking your life?

 Click here to download chapter one of  I’m Happy For You(Sort of… Not Really)

Tired of performing? Feeling weighed down by the pressure to be Pinteresting? Does your friend’s wardrobe, body, marriage, paycheck, vacation plans, or photoshoot-worthy home décor leave you wishing your life looked more like that?

You’re not alone.

With its focus on smarter, faster, thinner, and ever-better, our cultural obsession with comparison is undercutting relationships and sapping contentment. Our friends become our audience (or judges), and our titles, activities, even kids become part of our brand. Factor in social media’s constant reminder of what everyone else is doing, and no wonder we feel drained, discontent, and isolated.

Thankfully, we don’t have to live this way!

With disarming [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – Reservations for Two by Hillary Manton Lodge

A culinary concoction of taking chances and finding love in the most delectable places

Click here to download chapter one of  Reservations for Two.

 Food writer-turned-restaurateur Juliette D’Alisa has more than enough on her plate. While her trip to Provence might have unlocked new answers to her grandmother’s past, it’s also provided new complications in the form of Neil McLaren, the man she can’t give up.

 Juliette and Neil find romance simple as they travel through Provence and Tuscany together, but life back home presents a different set of challenges. Juliette has a restaurant to open, a mother combating serious illness, and a family legacy of secrets to untangle – how does Neil, living so far away in Memphis, fit into to her life?

 As she confronts an uncertain future, Juliette can’t help [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK – The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert

Just like in my dream, I was drowning and nobody even noticed.


  Click here to download chapter one of  The Art of Losing Yourself

Every morning, Carmen Hart pastes on her made-for-TV smile and broadcasts the weather. She’s the Florida panhandle’s favorite meteorologist, married to everyone’s favorite high school football coach. They’re the perfect-looking couple, live in a nice house, and attend church on Sundays. From the outside, she’s a woman who has it all together.  But on the inside, Carmen Hart struggles with doubt. She wonders if she made a mistake when she married her husband. She wonders if God is as powerful as she once believed. Sometimes she wonders if He exists at all. After years of secret losses [ … ]


Read the first chapter of Let’s Pretend We’re Normal.

“Oh, my word, I’m living this.”

Dear reader  friend,

If you and I are new to each other, let me start here: This is not how this was supposed to go! In the portrait I had long ago painted of my family, I didn’t intend to include words like “widowed single mom.” I had envisioned many more decades with my husband Robb in the complicated, beautiful life of marriage. But in the course of twelve hours, our family of four became a trio, and since that day my boys and I have been creating a new life in an upside-down world.

I have written this new book, which in a lot of ways is a sequel to And Life Comes Back, to answer the question so many have asked: “And then what [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK- Finding Your Way Back to God By Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson

“God, if you’re real,

make yourself real to me.”

 Click here to download chapter one of Finding Your Way Back to God. 

Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be.

 Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants to be found even more than you want to find him. It’s about making the biggest wager of your life as [ … ]