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Look for Me

“I recently learned that celebrating Christmas is not far from the heart of God, either. Feeling like Jesus had gotten lost in the frenzy of the holiday season, I asked the Lord to show me what I could do to teach my children the true meaning of Christmas. I was caught off-guard when He simply replied, ‘Don’t do anything differently. Look in the middle of the celebration and you will find Me.’

He was right, of course. I didn’t need to orchestrate moments to pontificate with my kids about ‘the commercialization of Christmas.’ Instead, Jesus was beckoning me to come to the party and bring the kids. In doing so, we ran into Him at school, in our living room, even at the mall. He hid in the lights, the carols, and the cards. He was there when we dressed [ … ]

Who Invented Christmas?

“Mama,” Little Cub asked one night. “Who ‘vented Christmas? Was it Santa?”
         “No,” Mama Bear said. “God invented Christmas. God gave us Christmas.”
         “Is God more important than Santa?”
         “Oh yes, much more important!” Mama said with a smile…
“What is that?” Little Cub asked in wonder as she watched the dancing lights in the sky.
         “That is God at work, Little Cub. He sent his only Son as a baby so that we would know light from dark. Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is how God gave us Christmas.”

Excerpted from God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa T. Bergren

Daily Reflection: How can you thank God for everything He has given you?

On the 12th Day of Christmas…Classic Books, Timeless Wisdom

We all know them.

They’re the ones with a degree in English literature, theology, or philosophy. (Maybe even all three!) They pin quotes from great thinkers, writers and artists on their Pinterest boards. These people say things like, “As the great apologists say…”, and they head straight to the musty, dusty bookshelves in every antique store.

These are the Classics-lovers.

If you gift wrap a gorgeous, leather-bound tome with fragile pages full of long-standing wisdom, these people will talk about your excellent gift giving skills all year long. But let’s face it–the books that aren’t leather-bound are pretty great, too.

On this 12th Day of Christmas, I wanted to share a few of my favorite classic authors and books with you. These books are bursting with soul-nourishing, timeless wisdom, but manage to be as accessible and enjoyable a read as [ … ]

Home for the Holidays

Christmas has a way of beckoning us home, doesn’t it? We long for our loved ones to be seated at our holiday tables, gathered cozy in our festive living rooms, and posing for family photos at the blazing hearth. Expectations can be high and disappointments can run deep when what we want – everyone home for Christmas – isn’t what we have. We want to be home and we want everyone we love to be home with us.

It’s interesting that we should feel this way when we consider that Joseph and Mary were far from home the night Jesus was born. The shepherds that celebrated with this little family on that starry night were strangers, not loved ones, and the setting wasn’t cozy or festive. And yet when we think of that first Christmas, we think of joy, serenity, [ … ]

NEWS: Sun Stand Still Devotional Reading Plan Available on YouVersion


 The Sun Stand Still Devotional by Steven Furtick now has a reading plan available on YouVersion.

Pastor Furtick challenges readers to ask God for the impossible–to live, every day, with the same faith in the miraculous that is exemplified in the Bible. In this reading plan, Pastor Furtick leads readers deeper into Scripture as they begin to live the life God created and saved us mankind.

View the reading plan on YouVersion here

SNEAK PEEK: Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Read the first chapter of Crash the Chatterbox.

Crashing the chatterbox = Overpowering lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement with the promises of God.

I used to think that someone who struggled with the kinds of weaknesses I deal with daily was useless to God. I felt so often like I was drowning in internal dialogue I couldn’t control. It had been the soundtrack of my life for as long as I could remember. Yet everything changed when I began to realize God has given us the ability to choose the dialogue we believe and respond to. And once we learn how, we can switch from lies to truth as deliberately as we can choose the Beatles over Miley Cyrus on satellite radio.



On the 10th Day of Christmas… Christmas Facts and Figures to Astound and Amaze!

Ever wondered where your Christmas tree came from? How many candy canes get made each year? Well, wonder no longer. Presenting The Great Christmas Infographic! We’ve scoured the web, compiled government data, and delved into the history books to bring you the answers to some questions about Christmas you never asked (but we’re sure you’ll find super interesting). To our fellow data nerds, know-it-alls, and generally curious folks everywhere: Merry Christmas!

Brought to You by Rick Gingrich, Online Marketing Associate at WaterBrook Multnomah

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Christmas Facts and Figures

A Christmas Tree Witness

“The Christmas tree is a beautiful reminder of why Jesus was born in the first place—to die for you and me. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness” (1 Peter 2:24, NIV)…

Have you ever noticed that the boughs of your tree extend out like the arms of Jesus stretched upon the cross as He offered His life to anyone who would come to Him in faith? And your Christmas tree is very definitely pointing toward heaven and, as Jesus did with His words and His actions, drawing our attention to the Father who loves us.

So when you stand before your Christmas tree, stand tall, as the tree does, and be a witness for Jesus. Let it direct your attention to the Father above. [ … ]