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SNEAK PEEK: EVERY SINGLE MAN’S BATTLE by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker

Read the first chapter of Every Single Man’s Battle.

As a single man, you’re in a war against sexual temptation.
But God has given you powerful ammunition.

You’re bombarded by sexual images. You’re constantly battling inner urges. You want to do right–in fact, you want to meet God’s standard of avoiding any hint of sexual immorality. But accomplishing that goal is a challenge.  If you are a single man struggling to remain sexually pure, you are not alone. Now there’s practical, hard-hitting help from the authors of the blockbuster Every Man series.


Read the first chapter of Every Single Woman’s Battle.

Powerful Tools for Guarding Your Body, Mind, and Heart

Remaining pure while single isn’t easy in a culture that encourages women to use their bodies to gain power and personal fulfillment. The longing for emotional and physical connection can gradually and subtly lead you into compromises you never intended to make. But you can resist the pressures–or reclaim your purity–by building a strong foundation of integrity.

SNEAK PEEK: Secrets of the Vine for Women by Darlene Marie Wilkinson

 The Abundant Life Awaits You…

Click here to download chapter one of Secrets of the Vine for Women.

Talking with His disciples the night before He died, Jesus used a vineyard analogy to reveal His plan to bring every one of His followers to a place of genuine spiritual abundance. But if we don’t understand how God works in our lives to bring that wonderful harvest about, we can actually work against His good hand in our lives without ever knowing it. In this little book based on John 15, I invite you to listen carefully to what Jesus said. You’ll learn how to cooperate with your Father for your greatest fulfillment and for His awesome [ … ]

SNEAK PEEK: PrayerWalk by Janet Holm McHenry

The Weather is Getting Warmer…Get Outside and Make a Difference!

Click here to read the first two chapters of PrayerWalk.

It’s Time to Exercise Your Prayer Life! Years ago, Janet Holm McHenry suffered from depression, weight gain, and exhaustion. Then she began a prayerwalk routine that not only transformed her life but also profoundly impacted the lives of those around her. Learn how you, too, can set out on a journey to increased energy, better health, and greater joy–and experience a rich, full prayer ministry that will have a lasting impact on your loved ones and community–one step at a time.

Click here to read the first two chapters of PrayerWalk.

SNEAK PEEK: Where Will You Go from Here? by Valorie Burton

  • Not the Life You Ordered?

 Click here to download chapter one of Where Will You Go from Here?.

In Where Will You Go from Here? life coach Valorie Burton shows you what it means to be resilient in the face of any situation—and guides you step by step to get there.

Click here to download chapter one of Where Will You Go from Here?.

The First Wave of Summer Reading!

Can’t you just feel the beach/vacation reading coming on? We’ve got a little bit of everything, written by some pretty fantastic authors, if we do say so ourselves. 🙂

Not sure what to get? Not to worry–check out the first chapter excerpt to help you decide. And don’t forget that you can also order them as eBooks for your eReader and schlep them along with you on vacation! Now, isn’t that handy?

What others are saying:“Heitzmann does a great job of weaving the back stories and too-present realities of each character into a unified tapestry of regret, hope, and redemption.”
